
How can I contact NCL?

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I need to contact the ship Norwegian Dream, but right now, they're sailing. Please help me!




  1. Check ncls homepage. There you should find phone numbers to the ship and a contact us link. Its expensive to call a ship thou. Johan

  2. For assistance or Emergencies during your NCL vacation:

    In the United States - 1.800.543.3797

    Outside the US - 1.972.699.0200 (call collect)

    Fax - 1.713.974.3422

    does that help?

  3. Well you could contact the NCL phone number and then you could call and ask for the specific number your looking for or you could just wait until the ship comes back but I would call their 1-800 number and see what they can do for you maybe.

  4. You will not beable to call the ship directly. Whatever your reasons you will need to go threw their main office in Florida, however they deal mainly with booking trips and giving out info.However your only starting point is there.

    Good Luck.
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