
How can I contact an enviromental engineer?

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Ok.. so my biology teacher assigned me this semester project where we have to choose a job in the science and technology department and write a report on it and give a presentation and all that good stuff. I chose to do enviromental engineering.

He said we have to have a "sponsor" for our project, or someone who actually works in the field that we can ask questions and refer to for help. Personally, I think that this isn't such a great idea, seeing as I have this feeling that people with real jobs don't want to be bothered by a little high school student who needs help with her project. But I still have to do it. I've tried google-ing websites on enviromental engineering, but I can't really find anyone to contact. I was planning on just using e-mail.

So anyways, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me, or knew of any people or websites that could help me via e-mail. Thanks for your help!




  1. Olivia

    I am an environment consultant currently working on 3 alternative fuel projects. If i can be of Any assistance feel free to email me personally at

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