
How can I contact my gaurdian angel?

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Is she always with me? What does she do? Should I contact her? What would I say? Can I thank her for protecting me? How did she get matched up to me and not somebody else? I am confused.




  1. I have always been told that if you try to contact your guardian angel, you upset the carma.  I don't go near that route.

  2. Hello

    You have many guides, more than you will probably ever be aware of.  

    Yes spirit are always with you. The one that your aware of could be with you for many reasons, that is for you to find out, you should make contact if you feel ready to. She may be with others as well as you, it depends on what vibration she is.

    Meditation is the best method for meeting & building relationships with your guides.


  3. How to Contact Your Guardian Angels

    There are times it would be nice to talk to your guardian angels on a first name basis. You wish to find out the name of your angel? There are many ways. For those interested, here's some information for you:

    Preparation to be most receptive and intuitive:

    1.Fast for 24 hours:

    24 hour purification - abstain from certain activities, (like s*x) minimal intake of addictive and stimulating beverage, spicy foods, and meat.. This is to calm down the nervous and energetic circuit.

    2. Write down all the consonants in separate pieces of paper, or little square cards- if you have a scrabble set,the alphabets are ideal.

    3. Place the pieces of paper in a bag, preferably a cloth bag

    4. Light a white candle, burn some incense, frankincense is recommended, use copal or myrrh as substitute.

    5. Center yourself: do some grounding, then get centered. State your intention, as in a prayer

    This petition is from a book - you can write your own:

    …..Dear Divine Angel who has alway been my protector, guide and ally. Please guide me to draw the letters that spell your Holy name, so that I may write it upon my heart and honor you as the friend that you are When I call your name, please be with me And show me so I can clearly see the path of light and love.

    6. Take a letter from the bag, write it down on blank paper

    7. Return the paper into the bag, shake the bag, take another letter.Repeat till you have three or four letters, write done in the order of picking

    8. Let your higher self guide you as to how many to draw.

    9. Now you have the letters- at the end add the letters EL.1

    10. Example: Add whatever vowels feel right for you

    Example: you draw: M D R add el thus you have M D R EL fill in the vowels that feel right to you.

    11. Seems irrational but this is trusting a higher power, or your guardian angels to guide you till you find the vowels that sound right to you to make up the name. Most angel names end in EL

  4. I normally post on the science forums of "answers" so I will respond to this question as such.

    If guardian angels exist and they are not physical beings, then they will likely not have phonetic names that they identify themselves with like Michael, Gabriel etc. If that is true then those names are what humans use to differentiate between separate beings which are assumed to have their own identity that distinguishes one from another.  Just like how we call the flowers we know as roses "roses" it's probably the same for angels.  A rose probably doesn't know itself as "rose".

    I think your best bet in communicating with your angel verbally would be to name it yourself, because if angels are higher level beings than us then it likely can sense you on an emotional and mental level and will know that you are talking to it no matter what you call it (but if you call it something derogatory, it probably won't like that).

    Just as if I had a friend whose name was Raktsumndeldn, I would have a hard time pronouncing his name and if I just asked him if I could call him Rob and he said sure, he would know I'm talking to him even though that's not the name he uses to refer to himself.

    If there are such things as spirits though, I would advise against using mediums such ouija boards, because I would think using something like that would be like walking into a crowded area with an empty cup and saying "can someone fill my cup?".  A person could just as easily fill it with water as they could vinegar.

    I hope that wasn't too lengthy of a reply and helps you come to a satisfying decision.

    Also, it's just plain rude to ridicule someone because they believe something different than you.

  5. just talk to her, hon. She hears you, and if you tell her you wish to make contact, she will make sure you feel her presence and will make sure that you feel only her presence. And you'll know if it's her or not, angels come with a distinct feel to them that's unmistakable.

    And you can say anything to her. I jabber at mine all the time, talk to them about everything happening in my life and ask for advice about things that puzzle me. Think of her as a best friend. A protector. But there is absolutely nothing special you need to do to contact her.

    How did she get matched up with you? I don't really know, but I get the sense God has a hand in it.

  6. call 411 or maybe 911 if that is busy

    Sorry - I just cannot believe anyone still believes in that stuff - to put it nicely.

  7. Don't try.  Your guardean angel will contact you when the time is right.  If you try to contact him or her you may get something not so nice.

  8. Do you have their msn?

    Sorry lol. I don't know how, I don't think I have one so I can't help

  9. Hope this helps:

  10. your guardian angel is always with you... she / or he / advice you  and protects you...

    you could invoke her  / or him / using the appellative of "guardian angel", you can thank her / or him and ask for your protection and advices...

    your guardian angel is sending signs all time to you... you just have to want to see them..

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