
How can I contest a red-light camera citation I recieved in the mail?

by  |  earlier

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So i just got one of those citations in the mail and I started looking around on the internet. I live in Springfield, MO and Springfield lowered the yellow light times just before they installed the red light cameras to increase revenue. I watched the video and i went through the light at like .73 seconds after it had turned red. I think it would have been unsafe to stop at the 40mph intersection and the other guy next to me in the video ran the light too. Any suggestions on how to contest this thing?




  1. I hate to tell you this, but those cameras are only set up to catch you if you cross the stop line after the light turns red.  Which you are basically admitting you did.  

    Also as a traffic engineer who knows the ins and outs of how the cameras are set up as well as how signal timings work, I can tell you there is little chance that the City lowered the yellow timings to try to raise more revenue.  Lowering the yellow and all red time on the signal could cause an unsafe condition and if someone was in an accident at any of these intersections after the City changed the timings they would be in for a serious lawsuit.  I don't think any City is foolish enough to do that just to raise some money.  They are going to catch enough violaters whatever the yellow times are.

    That being said, the yellow time should be set up so that if you are traveling at 40mph like you are supposed to be, and you cross the detection area the signal will stay green if the timing of the signal hasn't reached it's maximum.  If it has the light will turn yellow, but should be programmed to stay yellow long enough for you to decelerate including your reaction time to a stop before reaching the signal.  The equation for calculating phase-change intervals for a signal is:

    CP = t + (V/(2a+64.4g)) + ((W+L)/V)

    CP = total phase change period in seconds (yellow and red time)

    t = reaction time (usually assumed to be 1.0 second)

    V = approach speed in ft/sec

    a = deceleration rate ( Usually 10ft/sec/sec)

    W = Width of the intersection you are crossing

    L = Length of vehicle (Usually assumed to be 20 ft.)

    g = grade of the approach lane

    Assuming you can gather all of this information, you could calculate the time the light should be yellow and all red.  The yellow clearance is usually the first two terms of this equation and the red time is the final part.  This assumes that if you did enter the intersection just as the light tuned red, that you would be able to cross it before the other light turned green.

    Assuming the intersection is relatively flat the yellow time should be about 3.5 sec.

  2. You would have to prove that particular yellow cycle was shortened to the point you could not have stopped had you braked the moment the light turned.  In other words, you have to take your watch with a second hand and time that light.  Otherwise, you cannot fight it.  I have had to dodge too many red-light runners over the years to have a lot of sympathy for people that have enough time.  Minimum 25% of the time, on busy roads, the light goes yellow, I stop with no problem, and 2 or 3 cars in the other lane go racing through on the red.

    The other night I drove through an intersection, with the light going yellow just as I hit the intersection.  6, yes, 6 cars came through behind me, and in the mirror I saw the flash catch 4 of them.

  3. you can never ever contest what the camera caught on video you got caught and that is it... my sister tried to do the same thing you are trying to do it did not work for her ever she had to pay her fine and plus more fees just for trying to contest it and court she lost and court and so will you and the other guy that you say was running the light just like you all got a citation in the mail just like you the camera just dont just pick people random at all ever they catch people on video camera every day here in dallas that would be about 300 car are more a day cause they think well if i run the yellow light i will get away with it i here i got a citation in im not going to pay it are it is not fair how come the other person did not get one at all ever well i tell you something ok you got busted and that is that just pay your fine and the part where you said you watched the video would be impossible unless you worked for the police department which is unlikely you can not find this any where on the internet because it belongs to the police department go pay your fine and get it over with i live here in dallas in they have been here for 3 years you can not ever beat the system no way no how so sorry but i dont blame you for going thur the light which could of caused accident if you stopped but the camera did not catch it ....but it caught you but you ran it and got caught just pay it and get it over with

  4. id just go to court and plead my case to the judge he will either decide for you or against you,i agree it would have been unsafe to try to stop ,that might be something to use when pleading your case ,you could have caused a bad accident by trying to stop,i hate those camera,s we got them up everywhere now,and sooner or later i,ll get caught also,good luck with this.

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