
How can I continue my running program with PMS related fatigue and muscle pain?

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I'm following the "couch to 5k" running program. I'm up to running 2 1/2 miles in 25 minutes. Last Friday I started working out and began sweating bullets and felt like my legs wouldn't move by 5 minutes. I'm supposed to go back to the gym today (Monday) and still feel completely fatigued and generally sore all over- its an especially bad PMS month! (just ask my boyfriend, lol)

I didn't notice it as much last month because at that time I was running much shorter intervals and there were longer periods of walking.

Does anybody recommend any supplements or otc's to battle these annoying symptoms? I really, really don't want to fall off my program too much because then I'll just quit. Thanks!




  1. Make sure you are getting enough calcium and vitamin d.  Ginsing and B-12 are good for energy, and no, I do not mean for you to get it out of a Red Bull, also if you are eating a lot of processed foods, you might want to try slowly switching over to organic, it makes a world of difference, as for your other symptoms, well, thank goodness PMS is only once a month!!

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