
How can I control mosquitos under my 2nd story deck?

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We have a second story deck over an open area of ground. Mosquitos just love it there - dark (well, shaded), damp (takes a long time to dry out, & we get a lot of rain here), and kind of protected by bushes & ferns. I'm trying to do some work under there, and the mosquitos are eating me up.

I've done the obvious things - eliminated all standing water, etc. Tried a bug light - no help. I'm sure that if I understood mosquito I'd hear them saying "Thanks for the light. Now we can see you better, Mr. Dinner!"

An outdoor fogger didn't work either. A few might have fallen down, but they're bad as ever.

Any ideas before I become anemic and die from blood loss?




  1. You can find a great mosquito control product ( really works... ) on this sight:

  2. have you ever considered stretching mosquito netting

    around the "space" ?

    just a crazy idea, but if you used a big fan first, like a couple

    people sugested, and THEN "sealed" the area with netting

    it might be mosquito-free ... and STAY mosquito-free if

    none could slip in

    wildly impractical probly, but the idea just popped into

    my mind so I'll toss it out anyway

    but *IF* you ever got rid of the mosquitos, it just might

    keep the area/space "clean"

    and might even be practical if you could arrange a "gateway"

    to walk thru when needed

    ps: you'd probly have to put netting across the top (under

    the deck-floor) to keep skeeters from slipping in thru

    the gaps in the deck-boards

  3. Fill a spray bottle with listerine and spray the area.Also they do not like skin so soft from avon fact i use it and they never bother me.I have told the listerine really works well..Good luck.

  4. Cutters makes a product that hooks up to your garden hose and treats the ground and grass where the buggers hide. It works great and an application will last several weeks, try it, it really works. Purchased mine at Lowes.

  5. Okay well If your ever outside by there hanging out lite citronella candles:about 4. Then yes keep the bug lights on too. & idk if you like bats or not, but get a bat house & the mosquitos will b gone b 4 u know it. bats love them.

  6. There isn't any voodoo that works on mosquitoes. Those bug lights will kill 99% moths and beetles. A fogger has a limited time that it works (too limited to bother unless it is for the night of a party or something). Those citronella candles and bracelets are completely ineffective.

    Everything you tried is completely sensible, but didn't work. The skeeters are sheltering under the porch during the day and a meal just comes walking in.

    You're going to have to put on repellant with DEET so you can get your work done.

    Over the long term, unless you sacrifice your foliage and deck to get sunshine under there, there isn't much you can do. I do have one crazy idea to try, if you have it in the house only, can you set up a strong fan under the deck and run around and disturb the little buggers? Maybe they won't settle back with the fan running right away.

    Also, if you like to do projects with the kids, it is fun to build a bat box. Obviously this isn't going to work quickly, but over time is fun for the family and good for the environment. (1 brown bat can eat 2000 mosquitos in a night!)

  7. For your situation the best option is a big fan. like the 36" ones they sell at Lowe's and Costco. Mosquitos can't swarm in a windy place. Turn it on about 15 minutes before you start to work and they should be gone.

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