
How can I control my own heart beat like a ninja does?

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Like slow it down when ever i want, is there breathing techniques invloved ? im jus fasninated, not that i think im a ninja or anything im jus curious, i heard derren brown talking about it, it keeps ur calmer and you can hold your breath longer etc.




  1. Breathing is a large key factor, so is the status of the mind, so daily meditation is key. Through the meditation you learn to conrtol the "monkey mind" and when you are able to do that you can do anything you think as your thoughts will match the feelings in your heart. Only when the two are one can you truely experience the "magic". It takes a lot of time, so don't rush.

    For the record not only Ninja do this.

  2. just control your breathing

  3. Watch 'Revenge of the Ninja' 12 times a day.

  4. relax completely. breathe deeply. i dont know about holding it. in my experience when you hold your breath your heart rate speeds up.

    mental reinforcement is key...taking the chance of sounding overly just tell your heart to slow down using your mind.

    western society has us very disconnected from nature, as well as our own bodies.everything has to be tangible...everything has to be laid out specifically this OR's like it has to be black or it has to be white. ...most of the time the "truth" is in the gray area where the two meet.

    ask a qualified teacher before experimenting with this too much. the main ideas are

    relax, breath deeply with your diaphram (into your tanden/dantien ..whatever)  ...and use your thoughts to achieve your goals. take yourself to a place where you are calm and relaxed (in your mind as well as for real) and you an practice techniques mentally...the difference between "meditation" and "self hypnosis" is....meditation seeks a stillness of the mind. you calm the mind (to nothingness) to "listen" to your subconcious. with self hypnoses (saiminjutsu) you are conciously talking, controlling, and asking questions of your subconcious.

    a good reference is found in "Mystic Arts of the Ninja" by Stephen K. Hayes.

    it is called Saiminjutsu...self hypnosis. he really has a very good way of explaining it in his books.

    sometimes eastern religion is just a tad to mythological/mystical for me. but a very interesting read nevertheless.

  5. try taking a deep breath and hold it in for a while do it 2 or 3 times and your heart beat will start getting calmer

  6. I had just time when I was bored and I experimented with it. its different for everybody.  I can do it but Im not a ninja though.

  7. Go with Kempo_jujitsu's answer. Best you're going to get. Good luck.

  8. Practice controlled breathing, subjective meditation, internal silence and internal control.

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