
How can I control myself & eat all VEGGIES for 2 months??

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For anybody that doesn't really eat meat & junk food; how do you control your urges?

I'm trying to loose 20 pds in a healthy way. I want to eat Veggies, egg whites, fish & beans....

What can i do to fight my urges for sweets & junk food??

Please help!




  1. I do eat meat, but I don't have to have meat w/every meal.  I rarely eat junk food, i.e. candy bars, chips, cakes, etc.  It's easy for me b/c my mom didn't allow me to eat those types of foods much as a kid.  She stressed moderation and it stuck w/me.  I'm also very thrifty, and I think junk food is a waste of money b/c it doesn't really fill you up or provide you w/good nutrition.  I grew up eating foods grown in the front, back, and side yard-so I looooovvvve vegetables.  So that's why it's easy for me.  Now to fight your urges, you just have to decide what you really want.  Do you want to lose weight to be healthy?  If truly yes, then you just have to put mind over matter.  Focus on what you will be gaining by eating better.  I don't believe you have to stop eating sweets/junk altogether.  You just have to do it in moderation.  Good luck.  You can do it!!!!

  2. What I do is if I get a craving for something I will only eat a very little of it. Maybe about 2 chips if I crave something salty. That way you trick your body into thinking this craving has been satisfied without all the extra calories. If you completely deprive yourself you'll end up binging on junk food. Good luck!

  3. Find a good range of vegetables and fruits and mix them up a little to have an interesting diet full of fresh ingredients and nutrition.

    To stop sweet cravings (which I used to have bad) Just have some fresh fruit or fresh fruit juice, as they have natural sugars in them, that are much better than the fake sugars in junk food.

    If you follow this diet and you will look and feel SO much better. Just keep at it and look for some interesting recipes on the Internet, there's tons of them. Don't give up on your goal because it will be worth it.

    This is my first post BTW :)

  4. egg whites and fish are not veggies.  Fish is not a vegetarian food at all.   This should be asked in the diet and fitness section.

  5. imagine yourself REALLY fat

    and if you like a guy or girl.. picture them

    you'll stay away from food forever.. trust me

  6. that diet doesn't sound very healthy and it also doesn't sound like anything you'll stick too. you might lose weight but you'll be miserable which means you'll gain it all right back.  why don't you try eating in moderation?  let yourself have a sweet/junk food once a day or every other day or once a week.  knowing you can have something, you want it less.  also where are fruits? other protein sources?  you need a variety to be healthy whether you eat meat or not. also the real best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in.  so eat a balanced, healthy, normal diet with some free way for a snack or treats and exercise and you'll lose weight and keep it off too.

  7. If it's a sweet tooth that keeps you craving more, try a piece of fruit. A fruit that you LOVE, preferably - that way, you'll feel satisfied.

    Junk food - that one is harder. Maybe trail mix? But the problem is that trail mix can be high-calorie if you eat a lot - it's designed to give you energy, after all!

    What I find is that after the first couple of days of going vegetarian, I lose the cravings. Especially if I make sure to replace white breads/tortillas/pitas/pasta with the whole-wheat kind. Make it multi-grain, and it'll give you some extra nutrients as well!

    Ooh, try this: fire up the broiler. Cut whole-wheat (or whole-grain) pita breads or tortillas into chip-sized triangles. Put them in a ziploc bag, spray in a tiny amount of Pam and add a dash of salt, and whatever dried herbs or spices you like (I've tried oregano, which is great, but also just plain old salt'n'pepper, salt with cayenne and cumin, etc. - go wild!). Spread the wedges or squares in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Toast under the broiler until you see the edges beginning to curl (no more than a couple of minutes if the broiler is pre-heated), turn and toast for another minute or so.  Voila: healthier chips! Cool and store in an air-tight container. Caution - this is MUCH lower calorie and nutrient-rich than potato chips, but that's NOT carte blanche to just keep munching. Eat no more than what fits into a half cup at a time - yes, MEASURE it each time! You _are_ trying to lose weight, so why sabotage it?

    Good luck!


  8. if your craving something just go and get something healthy to eat. This should really be in the diet and fitness section though.

  9. Well dont go near the junk food tell your friends not to offer

    and make your healthy food look exciting and fun to eat thats what i do!!!


  10. I control urges by substituting.  If I crave meat, which happens rarely but I do, then I cook up some tempeh or seitan and mix it with what I'm making.  If I crave sweets, I sometimes make vegan cookies or cupcakes, or the healthier route, I'll have a really sweet fruit.  Junk food is another story.  I crave carbs like crazy, but I just have to say no.  I eat rice, lentils and beans all the time but I won't give into most breads or chip type snacks.  I also like to go to the bulk section of my co-op or whole foods and get nuts, dried fruit, soybeans, etc. to curb bad snacking.  

    It's hard sometimes but you can do it.  Good luck!

  11. Add some fruit (pure fruit juice ok -don't use that frozen concentrate stuff) to your diet. A lot of them are very sweet. Raisins are also a good sweet substitute. Keep some grapes and cherry/grape tomatoes in the house and grab a few when the hunger pangs hit. Grape cherries are very tart.

    If you miss meat, you might try using a lot of mushrooms (wild mushrooms have great flavor and a meaty texture - portabellos are even better). They have tons of nutrients and will soak up the flavors of whatever you cook them in. They are also very low in calories.

    A really good alternative to french fries and potato chips are baked fries and baked chips. Cut the potatoes in the same shape as the fried stuff, lay them out on a baking sheet, sprinkle your favorite spices and seasonings on them, and bake at a pretty high temperature (425) for about 20 - 35 minutes (depends on thickness of potato sticks or slices), turning once about halfway through baking time.

    If you are craving ice cream, have some raspberry sorbet. I think the Haagen Daz brand is just raspberry puree - no sugar added.

    You can still have chicken - eat white meat only and remove skin. It's high in protein and pretty low in fat.

    If you must have chocolate, keep some peanut M&Ms around. But only have THREE as a snack. I know that sounds ridiculous, but eat one at a time and chew slowly. It will satisfy the craving!!

    Drink tons and tons of water. You will feel "full" more often than not.

  12. If you want something sweet, eat more fruit.

  13. same prob :((

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