
How can I control nervousness on stage while singing, and while speaking in front of a group?

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I know lots of people have this problem. I get so bad that I freak out and it's all I can do to breath and not have a seizure. It's ridiculous. I don't really care what others think, I think. I must if I get so nervous though..right? Anyway. I just need to learn to control it. Deep breaths? PLEASE!!!..I forget to breathe when it comes time..any other ideas or stories on how you got over your attacks? Thanks.




  1. As someone who has done this professionally for years, I assure you the best strategy is to be adequately prepared.  Then before you go out on stage, take some slow, deep breaths and make sure you breathe OUT, too.

    Practice your song or speech enough that you feel completely confident in your ability to do it.  

    Even though it's just you -- pretend that you are playing a part in a show, and then you might be able to feel less anxious -- since it's not really "you" out there, but your character.

  2. you must learn to control your breathing. long slow deep breaths before you go on stage will help a lot. also keep your body movements slow and deliberate, relaxed and not tense. train yourself to be calm and not shake or fidget as those movements make you lose control.

  3. i have the same roblem only i throw up too it sucks. =[

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