
How can I convert my Business Bachelors into a teaching degree in pinellas county fl?

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a retired teacher in fl told me that there was a way that I could do it...I want to switch careers and become a teacher...

where do I go ? What should I do ? I was told that there was a class I can take its only a few weeks and then I can convert my Business degree and start teaching ???

please help !!!




  1. You might find a district, or better yet, a private school that will accept your degree to teach, but the Florida teacher certification will definitely need to be completed prior to being licensed to teach, certainly in the today world of NCLB.

  2. you have been misinformed.

    All sates require credentialed teachers. any alternate program he was referencing was mischaracterized. There are alternate programs that can get you in a classroom quickly - What you were not told is that they *all* have the same requirements as a full credential - you just do the coursework as you teach.

    2 years, nights, weekends, summers, tests, student teaching. all while you work during the day.

    See your states credentialing site for the full info.

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