
How can I convince my Dad to let me get a guinea pig?

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He loves animals and he let my brother and I get 2 hamsters. [they died] He says he doesn't want a guinea pig because he thinks that all they do is eat, sleep & p**p. My mom wants to get us a piggy but she said we just need to convince our dad. I took very good care of my hamster and gave her attention all her life. Please help me!




  1. Of all the pets that I have treated, guinea pigs are the gentlest. Like swine, boy guinea pigs are called boars and females sows. If you decide to purchase two pigs, make them both immature females. Like all animals that are eaten in the wild, guinea pigs are very uncomfortable with people and other pets hovering over them. My favorite bedding is large flaked pine wood shavings. Like human beings, guinea pigs need a daily source of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Guinea pigs are rather easy to s*x. They have estrus or fertile periods just after giving birth and throughout the year. The most common illnesses I see in guinea pigs are pneumonia and hair loss associated with malnutrition (lack of vitamin C and other nutrients) and the diseases of old age. When you purchase your guinea pig, be sure it appears healthy.


    this link is all about convincing parents..

    also remind them that hamsters are nocturnal (sleep in day)

    GP are not.. they are awake in day.. and overall make better pets

  3. well if you took very good care of them, then just assure him you will take very good care of this one to. you have to convince him you will be the one that is feeding him and making sure hes healthy.. you have to tell him your responsible enuf to care for this pet. and really its not hard. infact i love guinea pigs.. they talk to you and they can be potty trained like  a cat (its just alot of work) they can run around the house just like a cat also.. there much more loving then hamsters and like attention more also... so just let him know you will take care of it and be responsbible and see what he says..

  4. The best thing you can do is research and TEACH your dad about guinea pigs. Guinea pigs can be wonderful pets for the right people. Show him you're responsible enough to have a guinea pig. Clean your room without being asked, help out around the house, raise some money to help pay for the guinea pig, etc. If and when he feels you're responsible and has learned that guinea pigs are more than animals that eat, sleep, and p**p, you'll be on your way to getting one. Good luck!

  5. i have 3 guinea pigs and they are really easy to take care of.. but i have had them awhile so iam used to it.. tell your dad that he can trust you and you will take great care of the guinea pig. and if he doesnt think that you are taken good care of them after a month then he can find them a better home... i was told that and i still have mine =)

  6. basicaly all animals eat, sleep and p**p!

    *they dont smell

    *they live in social groups (meaning get TWO!)

    *they never bite

    *they dont need *much* medical treatment

    and they get really tame! i have one tht squeaks as soon as she sees a human, and when i pick her up its the only time she stops! (unless a humans not around lol)

    and they are so gental an luverly!

    i cut the tiniest bit of cucumber ever, and they all take sooo gently from your hand! =]

  7. well you should just do some research,and present all that you have lernes to him.I have 2 guinea pigs right now,and they are really fun pets when they get to know you.It is kinda true that the eat alot,but they dont really p**p or sleep alot.They are very active,but if you bring them in the house,be careful,because they have a small bladder,and they have to go almost every 15 minutes.

    good luck :D

  8. guinea pigs are very social animals...they squeak.....and do more than eat, sleep, and p**p.............we let me guinea pig out of the cage to run around .........(in a room with no wires or cables)....guinea pigs can  be fun to just hold..........maybe show him a website on guinea pigs

  9. make up ways to go to the pet store with your dad, and act like you fell in love with one. or you can explain to your dad that guinea pig is just a hampster thats bigger with a bigger life span

  10. Think of all the reasons why he won't let you get one. Then, think of perks to guinea pigs that he would maybe enjoy. Also there's this really cute little plastic ball that they can run around in. soooooooooo cute!

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