
How can I convince my Dad to let me get contact lenses?

by  |  earlier

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I've had glasses since I was in third grade, and now i'm in eighth. I tried asking my dad, but he just says stuff like I'm not responsible enough or I'm not old enough. He says I'm not responsible, but I usually get straight A's, I help around the house, I help take care of my grandma who has to stay with us because she broke her hip and has no insurance. I help with her way more than my brother or sister. And the last reason is that he said that when he had contacts, he ripped part of his eye and had to wear an eye patch. How do I convince him???????




  1. I wouldn't go agnist your dad but, when did his contact rip his eye? bc chances are they safer now. I have had contacts since the 6th grade and have never had one problem except that i was allergic to the solution and i had an allergic reaction in my eyes but that was my own fault bc i didn't read the ingredients. Now I use a different soultion and they have been fine for 2 years. But next time you go to the eye doctor ask her how safe they are and just ask them to explain them to you infront of your dad it will make you look responisible and your dad will get the information and mabey that will help.

    p.s i am in 9th grade.  

  2. One of the things I wouldn't do here, is argue with him..that's because he's obviously had a bad experience and doesn't want anything like it to happen to you.

    Keep on at it lightly. Look for advantages over the internet. Type in something like: advantages of wearing contacts or something :P

    Can't you buy contacts without him knowing? If he really doesn't want you to have them, then what I would do is get them anyway.

    If you have to be a certain age, get someone old enough to buy them for you.

    I know it's probably bad advice, but tell him how unhappy you are wearing glasses.

    Cry about it, tell him how embarassing it is. Tell him your being bullied because of your glasses..

    Just get what you want!

    *eyes glow red*

    P.S Break your glasses

  3. um honestly in my opinion contacts are really incovienant unless you want another eye color that bad but i would suggest finding a professional who could teach you how to put them on safely and take care of them so that he knows your responsible about taking care of your eyes..

    but how about surgery?? my aunt did it and it worked out great she doesnt loose her glasses or contacts and she said she saves a lot of money by not having to buy contacts every month

    if you dont really want to consider it do some reasearch on google and show your dad that your serious about it

    heres a few sites for contact lenses

    good luck and be safe with your optical decisions

  4. I totally know where you're coming from! I've had glasses since 4th grade and got contacts in seventh. My dad wears them but since I was 12 or 13 they were reaaally apprehensive for a long time. I finally got them and here's how:

    First of all, I got them to talk to other parents they are close with who have children with contacts. It will help them see how reasonable it can be to have contacts at a younger age.

    You also should write up a little 'case' for yourself, which points out how responsible and mature you are for your age, and what you do to help them. Tell them how well you would care for your eyes and contacts, and have regular checkups at your optometrist. Mention that if it does not seem like you are taking good care of them, your parents would have the right to have you wear your glasses again until they see fit.

    Just be mature about the whole thing and show them how much you care about yourself and how well you would handle the responsibility.

    Good luck!

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