
How can I convince my bf to stop playing RUGBY?

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I'm really worried about him. He got hurt before while playing rugby before (don't know how exactly). I never watch because I HATE THIS GAME! Whenever I tell him to switch to a more normal sport (like tennis) he doesn't even CONSIDER! He says he has been playing since he was a little boy.

What more can I do?





  1. Do you think this is a good place to ask this question? The rugby forum, where most of the participants LOVE rugby?

    Should be your b/f's call anyway.  If you don't like it, move on.

  2. Let the poor bloke play rugby and stop moaning at him.

    Rugby is a great game.

    He should dump you and find someone a bit more supportive.

  3. let him play dat game becoz he love ds game

    just tell him 2 play wd a bit consciousness

    nthng else

    u should encourage him 1 do dat thng whch he likes

    it will increase ur love

    try it ............

  4. u must pretend to end the relationship if he doesnt stop playing

    say"_________ if u dont stop ur rugby carreer right now, than our relationship will be over!!"

    if u do that than u will be able to convince him to do anything

  5. Gavin can take care of Himself charlotte. We need him to win us another grand slam.

  6. i had this situation where my ex girlfriend told me to stop playing Rugby because i was getting injured (not that i Care, The odd broken nose or fractured cheekbone does a person some good)

    she said, "it's either me or Rugby"

    I chose Rugby

    end of.

    let him play, if he enjoys it. If he has any sense, he would do what i did.

    At least i have a girlfriend now, who enjoys coming and watching me play, and appreciates what Rugby does for my body, keeping me in shape with regular trips to the gym ;-)

    i'm so much better off with her than i ever was with the moaner

  7. Good God. My mum warned me about girls/women like you. Do you see yourself as a spoilt, manipulative control freak? If not, I suggest you take a look at yourself.

    Why are you so outraged that he doesn't want to play tennis?!?! Rugby is a game with a strong team spirit and comradery. Tennis is a hobby.

    Unless you want to end up a lonely and bitter person, try respecting other people's (especially your boyfriend's) interests and passions.

    People don't exist just for you to mould until you're happy.

  8. say you'll brake up with him haha

  9. Never ask a Rugby man to stop playing. If we stop we die a little inside.

    It's a known fact we can't cope without it. My team got so sick of it being close season we organized unofficial training before pre-season officially starts. Such is our love of the game.

    You can't do anything more, he loves the game and you shouldn't try and stop him playing.

  10. Face it.  He will not give up the game.  The choice is now yours, and yours alone.  Learn to live with it, or dump him.  It is that simple.

    I hope you make the correct choice.

    Good luck, dear.

  11. learn to like it. lets face it, they look great in those shorts

  12. the problem is not that he plays, it, but rather the capitalised statement within your question; I HATE THIS GAME.

    it appears you are using his injuries to mask the fact that you dont want him to participate in it because you hate it, not because you are worried about him getting injured. clever ruse.

    everybody gets hurt playing rugby at some point. its part of the sport. like crashing if you are a race car driver. if his injury was really serious, or life threatening he would have stopped.

    i had a really really serious injury about 2 years ago, i was bed ridden for ten days straight, i could hardly move. id wake up (after staying up all night, i couldnt get comfortable enough in any position to sleep.) go to the toilet (that was about a 2 minute ordeal walking there and my bathroom is 4 meters away from my bed) and from there, go to the kitchen, get some fruit snacks, some chips, a bottle of water and another of fruit juice, and then go to the couch and park myself there the whole day. the tv remote was within reach, the cordless phone was within reach, i had a coupla magazines and books. i had to stay on the couch all day. gettin up hurt too much. just reaching for the phone was painful.

    after 10 days of incredible boredom i went back to work, barely walking.

    2 years later, not only am i completely well, but i am still playing and im in my mid 30s. i consider myself a rational chap.

    what chance do you think your boyfriend has of giving up the sport he loves because you want him to?

    i second the motion that he should dump you. no one wants a wet blanket for a girlfriend.

  13. A normal sport tennis? Please spare me. First you dont care about him getting injured you just dont want to feel shame cause he is having fun when you are not around! Rugby players dont get injured, unless they are playing under 100%, havent warmed up properly or just hesitate. Also you can continue playing rugby until 80 or even 90. Rugby has a world cup that reunites the world's best teams for a couple of weeks. Tennis has big tournaments that people just stop talking about an hour after.

    You should ask him to read all these messages, then i want to see you post a question Does anyone want to date me? after he dumps you.

  14. Rugby players don't need nagging b i t c h girlfriends like you trying to stop them from playing. Honestly, what does he see in you if you act like this?

    He obviously played rugby long before you met him, so what gives you the right to want him to stop playing now?

    Go and find yourself a gaylord soccer player to date if you don't like it.

    LMAO @ nonenzedder, nice one mate!!!

  15. You Cant lol,let the man play the Game,its Great:D

  16. Why should you stop him from doing what he truly loves to do?

  17. There is nothing that you can do !! he likes playing the sport ,let me say this you will hurt your relationship if you keep at him and if you love him then let him do what he likes to do . besides while he is playing that you could have more shopping time !!

  18. Its his code of Football.  You shouldn't try to get him to stop playing. Think one of the best things you love to do, the number one thing but someone said you couldn't do it anymore. That's how he feels every time you want him not to play.

  19. he needs to get rid of you then, tell him to come to me we can play rugby together, i reckon you need to lay off and find yourself a tennis player if thats what you want you cant force someone to do anything just because your "dating" pah!

  20. Just let him be himself, this is something that makes him happy. you shouldn't try to take that away from him. Express to him your concerns, but that is all that you can really do.

  21. stop interfering.  Its only going to drive you apart

  22. Get over it....players get hurt...if he's been playing since he was a little boy he should be okay...heaps of men and women play rugby throughout their lives and enjoy rich full just leave him to it...before he gets annoyed with you going on about rugby all the time

  23. If you do somehow get him to stop playing rugby, he will resent you for the rest of his life.  Try learning the game.  You'll probably find that you actually like it.  If there is a women's team in your area, go out to a practice and try it for yourself.  It'll be very hard to convince your boyfriend to quit the sport when you don't really know what it's all about.  It is interesting that you want him to play a more "normal" sport, when rugby is the second most popular sport in the world.

  24. Why should he give up rugby? If he's been playing since he's a little boy, then he obviously loves the game.

  25. well.. rugby's a good sport and i dont know what your talking about.  Just let your bf do what he wants to do. You cant possibly control him duhh!! so my advice is to leave him alone

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