
How can I convince my boyfriend to get our cat (kitten) neutered?

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My boyfriend doesnt want to get the kitten neutered b/c he says its too expensive. Ive heard they should be neutered before the age of 2 b/c if they dont they act all crazy and start spraying everywhere. Can anyone give me good facts on why he should want to do it? And if you can tell me where the cheapest place is I would appreciate it.




  1. Tell him if he doesn't do it now, he will end up paying thousands of dollars in new furniture.

  2. Many men have a transfered fear of neutering. They somehow think it will affect THEIR virility. He is using cost as an excuse.

    Male cats should be neutered by 8 or 10 months, not 2 years. Once they start spraying it is difficult to get them to stop. As someone else said, you really don't want to live with a horny spraying male. Sometimes neutering helps, sometimes not.

    The lowest cost spay/neuter clinics are usually through your local animal shelter. Call them for suggestions

  3. wait until the cat starts peeing on his stuff, then he'll want to neuter it! You can usually call shelters and ask if they have a low cost neuter/spay program.

  4. Unneutered males are far more likely to urine mark (spray), escape in search of females, and get in cat fights.  Tell him a neuter generally costs less than $100, and replacing furniture that gets urinated on or paying to treat abscesses from cat fights is going to top that amount in a hurry.

    Do a search for "low-cost spay and neuter" and your city/county, and you should come up with some options to help with the cost.

  5. You and your bf do not want to live with an unneutered male cat - it will spray urine in your house and and the urine is one of the strongest odors you will ever smell.

    Check with your local humane society for a clinic to do the neutering.  In August our humane society is giving vet vouchers for $35 to do the neutering (covering all the costs).  You can call 1-800-SPAYUSA for a clinic near year.

  6. bcause once it starts sprayin it wont stop and it takes 4ever to get rid of the smell u have 2 wash everything at least lik twice and they spray everything  

  7. It should not be a matter of much do you spend on yourselves each week. It is a matter of happiness.

    I have four yes four boys all whom are fixed, neutered or denutted as my aunt would say. You have to realize that if a female comes within their smelling senses, they will tear your house up to find the source of the scent. They are much more aggressive when they are not fixed. They tend to get into so much more fights as well. I had all of them fixed before they turned one. They have their little frays now and then but are so much happier because they are fixed. Having all those raging hormones leds to a fustrated life on their part and is very unfair to them.

    I have been a life long cat owner.

  8. It's not expensive to get a cat neutered. It's your basic vasectomy. A doctor's office visit. It's less expensive to neuter than to spay. spaying is surgery- the ovaries and uterus are removed- a full hysterectomy if you will. I got all 3 of my boys neutered for $10 apiece. contact your local animal shelter for details. Most of them offer the service once a month.  Besides- where is it written that the girlfriend can't have the cat neutered? It's not like you're looking at the old man and saying, "snip, snip!". He'd really freak then!

  9. You should get your cat neutered by about 10 months unless you want him to start marking in the house.  Just save up the money, set up the appointment and take the cat.

    OMG!  Our cat ran away and someone got him neutered!  Lol lol lol

    BTW- My vet doesn't neuter UNTIL 6 months of age.  Silly people who say to do it by six months!   Vets around here would laugh.

  10. Bring out the pros and cons of neutering your baby. These days, neutering is not that expensive. If price is a problem, call around to different vets and animal hospitals and check their prices. Once the cutie starts spraying though, he may realize that neutering is the best option. If YOU really want him neutered, make him realize that the benefits outweigh the price. Below I put in some sites for you to look at. Definitely pay attention to the first link. 1

  11. read this link

    it is the pros and cons of neutering

    in the long run it SAVES you money by neutering.. since you wont have vet bills later for t******e cancer for example

    plus your boyfriend will be mad later when the cat spays on the TV...

  12. male kittens should be altered no later than 6 months....before they start spraying or cat calling. Normally, if you adopt a kitten ( $65-$100) they will already be fixed and have their shots up to date and most of the time (depends on where you adopt from) they will already be micro chipped. I would suggest looking at your local shelter or cat rescue.

  13. Your b/fi is crazy if he doesn't get the cat neutered. All cats should neutered prior to age 6 months.If you allow a male cat to remain

    unneutered you might as well kill it now. He will start to spray all over your furniture and your clothes. An unfixed cat's urine STINKS worse than anything you can imagine.You will become so fed up with it you will take him to a shelter but it will be too late. Once they reach maturity that is over 6 months and they start to spray they never stop.

    I have two male cats I had neutered at age 5 months. Then I brought in a male who was not fixed until he was 9 months. He sprays on everything including me. I have been sprayed in the earhole,and in my eyes. He has sprayed friends of mine who will never come back to my house. To make matters worse because he sprays so much it has

    triggered the other two to spray as well which they never did before. If you love the cat get it neutered. I assume your b/f has issues with neutering because the cat is male. A lot of men project their own

    sexuality onto their animals and that is why they do not want the animal neutered. If you go to the SPCA they can direct you to places that will help you with the cost of neutering. I suggest if your b/f still

    b*****s you have two choices get ridof the kitten now before you become too attached to it.Find him a good home where they will neuter him. Or s***w your b/f and get it done whether he says no or not.  

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