
How can I convince my brother to let my boyfriend stay ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so, last night, my boyfriend and my brother had an argument ( long story )

At the moment, my brother is at his girlfriends and my boyfriend is at my house.

Well, I want him to stay the night. I asked my mum and she said that I would have to ask my brother ( when my boyfriend stays he always sleeps in my brothers room ) I said ok let me phone him then but my mum said to wait until he comes home, he'll be home in the next hour.

So, my question is, when my brother comes home, what can I say to him to convince him to let my boyfriend stay ?




  1. fake cry.

  2. It my opinion your too young for your boyfriend

  3. He'll be home now I imagine. Best of luck

  4. Not sure why your mom lets your brother make decisions like this, doesn't she know that your way to young to have a bf that is 19, and you don't need to be playing house by having him sleep over. I think your brother should say no, before you end up pregnant!

  5. ask him

  6. how old are you guys? I can help out more if u tell me how old?

    EDIT: I'm sorry but that is the most messed up relationship ever, if you 2 are sexually active then why doesnt he sleep in ur room and wtf u have to ask permission from ur brother whn u want to have s*x with this guy... Like seriously 15 year olds barely have b***s, why would they go out with a 19-year old who is allowed to drink, have s*x, drive, and smoke?!

  7. So does your brother make all the decisions in the house. i think your mom needs to step up and not allow your 19 year old boyfriend stay the night since your only a child.

  8. You have to convince him its just not about s*x or is it? Because if it is remember your only 15 and it is illegal and you could throw away your whole life. Does he like your boyfriend? If he doesn't you have no chance. Offer to do things for him say its ike one of his mates sleeping over because there nearly the same age. Good luck girl!

  9. ask him if he can stay the night and

    tell him you promise he will be good. or

    you can do some thing for him...

    like clean his room or

    do his chores.

    ps.. best of luck!

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