
How can I convince my brother to love his child?

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My brother and his wife don't want to admit it but their 8 month old male baby was born g*y. The baby started showing signs of being g*y about 6 weeks ago. I keep telling them their baby is a switch hitter then they get very upset and ask me to leave. How can I convince them to love their child for who they are?





  2. Quite honestly this is none of your business. Nagging at your brother and his wife will only make them resent you and they might not let you be in your nephews life. Keep your opinions on this child's sexual orientation to yourself so that as the child grows up you can be there when he needs you.

    And at 8 months a child is still in the very very early stages of finding out who they are. Boys play with dolls and dress up.. girls play with cars and tools. Whatever signs you saw in your nephew might well be very normal and he may indeed grow out of them.

  3. its amazing how many people wait for questions like this to get fired up..there are real questions and promblems on here people!

  4. wow i bet he trys to make out with all the other 8 month old boys. You are such a good uncle for looking out for him.

    Seriosly fool they're  asking you to leave because they dont want a psycho around their BABY

  5. Your an idiot!!!!!

  6. I think this question is a joke.

    8 month old babies are not sexually developed and cannot be g*y or straight... they are too young for anyone to tell!

  7. Umm, how old is this child?  Don't start labling it g*y until it's old enough to decide for itself if he's g*y or straight, or whatever he wants to be.  I'm sure they love their child and don't need to love it dfferently because you say he's g*y.  They'll give him the same unconditional love they have since bringing him home.

    So rude of you!

  8. How the heck are you able to tell that an 8 month old is g*y? If this is even a serious question, you saying that about their child is just about the most stupid thing I have ever heard. They probably ARE loving their child for who he is and are not being mad about that, they are mad at the riduculous statements you are making.


  10. You do realize that the baby might not be g*y? btw how does a a baby show signs of g*y-ness?  it might just be picking up social skills from his parents and think their acceptable because  he is young and doesn't know different.

  11. Totally ridiculous! Are you saying this from your own experience? Did you play with dolls and you turned out g*y?

  12. That does not necessarily mean the poor aby is g*y ! ♥

    The baby doesnt know anything about that!!!

    Anyways, you cant really convince your brother to LOVE someone its hard he has to learn that himself, and if he doesnt, im sorry to say, hes not worthy of that cute special baby!!!

  13. I'm glad you are not my family.

  14. how do they know an 8 MONTH OLD BABY is g*y!!??! That is sooo wrong!

  15. errrr troll...

  16. What the f.....

    You are actually going to say you can tell if an 8 month old little boy is going to be g*y....what is he kissing the other 8 month old little boys at daycare?????  

    Your an idiot!

    We are mean???? Are you serious?????? You are talking about a child that is just learning the world around him being g*y!!!!!!  I have a two year old little boy that plays with his sisters toys and I am not worried at all about  what his going to become.  And if he decides at the point in his life that he finally does become sexual, that he is g*y, I will not call him a "switch hitter"


  17. Whatever, you need to grow and get a life.....

  18. tell them that it is their own flesh and blood!  If they don't love him that is just cruel!!!!  It doesn't matter like whether their baby likes dolls or skateboards as long as he doesn't marry a boy them that is ok but in my book a kid is a kid and if they can't except that then they need to get a life!

  19. First of all, the reason he is probabaly dressing up like his mom is called p***s envy. Yes I am aware he has a p***s but what that means is he craves the attention his father gives his mother, therefore dressing up like her. Psychologically speaking, one doesnt develop their orientation until the age 4 or 7 I forget which one it is. But right now he is only acting like that because of what I spoke about before. If he does develop into a homosexual man, then I think he doesnt deserve to be namecalled, especially such a childish name like switch hitter. It isn't up to you to decide whether he is or not. Your brother does love his child, as he is, no matter what, but don't try convincing them of something he might or might not be. Let them love him the way they are now and as time passes on, he will reveal himself.

  20. Is this a joke just because a boy wants to play with dolls certainly does not make him g*y. I babysat a little boy once who liked playing with Barbie’s, however he also liked playing with dump trunks and sword fighting typical things boy things. Laughable isn’t it if your brother had  a girl who liked to play with some more typical boy toys you just say she was a tomboy not go into that she is a  L*****n, which imo you cant even know at 8months old.

    Since your nephew is attracted to girls dresses perhaps and obviously you wouldn’t know this till he is older but may he is trans-gender. Your nephew is really a girl who was born in the wrong body gender.

  21. I think the child will speak for himself, once he is able

    I'm not surprised your brother asks you to leave!

  22. I don't know what to tell you, but I would like to thank you for being one of the few people who realize people are born g*y and are g*y their whole life. It's not a choice, and people don't "become g*y". Good for you. Your nephew is lucky to have such an open minded family member.

    I have a family member who is g*y. My dad never suspected the family member was g*y, but he says now that he looks back the signs were quite obvious around age 3 or 4.

  23. This relates to adoption how??

  24. Labeling children is absolutely UN acceptable. First of all in a child's eyes a toy is a toy. And how exactly does an 8 month old dress up? He's still wearing diapers I doubt he gets himself dressed. It seems like the reason your brother is getting upset is not because he doesn't love his child but because you're purposely trying to annoy him! If it makes him upset stop running your mouth. It's obvious that you know nothing about children. I've NEVER heard my g*y friends say " I've known I was g*y at 8 months old!' Respect your brother and his family and keep your uneducated mouth shut. If by some stroke of fate he does decide he's g*y...let him decide...right now you're deciding for him... Could it be maybe you're g*y and instead of coming out you're projecting on this innocent little boy?

  25. How can you tell that a baby is g*y? I dont' get it.

    Did he started kissing other male babies?

  26. What signs is the baby showing about being g*y?

  27. Perhaps you're the one who needs to accept the child for who he is...obviously you're the one who has quite an issue with him.

  28. Don't feed the trolls

  29. What is wrong with you!?  You can't tell that at 8 months!!  You need to stop right now... wow some uncle YOU are!

  30. I had to re-read your question. At first I thought you said 8 years. But 8 months? There's no way to tell at that age.

  31. LOL!

    Since the child can't speak for himself, I'd say you better wait and let the child tell them that he's g*y when he's of age.

    But I don't know how the h**l YOU would know how that child was born. And I'd kick you out of my house if you said that each day. Not because I don't accept g*y/lesbians but because it's just an ignorant comment....

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