
How can I convince my dad that homeschooling will be better for me?

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I've been having hard times concentrating at school because the fact that I can't concentrate with the bright artificial lighting and I waste a total of 4 hours of my day in bus rides, going to the next class, etc... I also constantly wish I had more time to be with my horse. Please help.




  1. well homeschooling is really not needed unless there is a much better reason.

  2. It sounds to me like you have a good head on your shoulders. I would sit down and discuss it after you have done your research.

    First, find out your local requirements on homeschooling. You can check with your local school to see if they have a virtual school option.

    Be honest with your Dad and if he says no, find out why. Maybe you can work together to find a good option for you.

    Good luck!

  3. Public and Private schools are retarded, but at least you learn a few things there.  Homeschooling is bad.

  4. I have four teenagers the youngest 17. She was going to high school and this last year because of all the violence and gangs in schools I put her in home schooling. She goes to school two days a week and does the work at home. And she will graduate in Jan. The one day she just checks in and gets the work the other day is about 4 hours max. I don't think she would have graduated if left in high school. I'm glad she home schools. Its moree one on one and you can go at your own pace fast or slow

  5. You cannot convince anyone without presenting many facts to support your argument.

    Do the research, which I know can be mind boggling, but see if this web site will e of some help to you.

    Good Luck.

  6. Hey ur such a bright and brilliant student!! juss try and convince him by proving the sort of savings and the amount of time which is being wasted in all the hustle bustle of school life !!!Best Of Luck!!!!!

  7. Ask him, "What would it take to convince you to let me homeschool?" Then you can find out all the details of what bothers him and do your specific research and get back to him with specifically what he said it would take.

    Do keep in mind that some parents are just too closed-minded about homeschooling to ever consider it. Not trying to discourage you--just trying to keep you realistic. Keep trying, but know that it might not happen.

  8. If you really want to convince your Dad to let you home-school, then you have to present the idea to him in a clear, mature way with a list of legitimate reasons. Its probably a good idea to leave your horse out of it. However, the fours hours wasted on the bus could be included in your argument if you can prove to him that the time you waste could be spent productively.

    Sit him down with a list of your reasons. Make sure they are well thought out, mature and logical. Let him know that you want to succeed and you feel like traditional school is failing you. Find a website that promotes homeschooling and print out some pages. Find some positive statistics regarding the success of home-school and use that in your argument. Let him know how much happier and successful you will be if he allows you to do this. Also, let him know that there are home-schooling groups you can join, so that all the responsibility will not fall on his shoulders. This may make a huge difference, if he knows he wont have all the responsibility falling on him.

    Here are a few links to help you:

  9. then tell him what you told us...also make sure he benifits from it some how...and i know you prolly dont wanna hear this but when yur at school is prolly when your parents have s*x.

  10. You should write a letter explaining what you really want to your dad. Tell him about how you can't concentrate and why did you get a horse if you can't spend time with it? Tell him the good things about homeschooling you.

  11. I think someone wants to kick your butt and that's why you want to stay home....and if they don't they should because you have a horse.

  12. good luck sweety. I would let you homeschool but Im a silly dilly pickle brain.

  13. show him the statistics and look at the answers to this same question that has been asked like a million times on here.

  14. Dads like short, sweet and to the point. Do your research, choose a program or philosophy you'd like to follow. Then type up in summary form what that philosophy stands for, what subjects you would be studying, where to find the materials, the cost and what you would expect from him. Read some sites about the arguments against homeschooling so you know what questions or complaints he is going to make, then you can figure out and type up the answers. It would be a good idea to include footnotes so he can go and look for himself. I know you want more time with your horse, but that's probably not going to be a good argument for him. What does he think you should be learning? Dont' just think of academic subjects, but other things too. Does he think you should be able to cook and clean? Assure him that you'll be doing your share of housework and will learn to cook. Academics are very important, but so is exercise (your horse will provide that), arts and crafts, work/volunteering, and life skills like housework.

    There are many homeschooling options. Some take a bit from here and there. Nothing wrong with that, but your dad will probably want to see something more concrete, a plan to follow. Some online school, some follow the state/ national curriculum, some are into Steiner, some are into the Classical method. See what appeals to you, and what will appeal to your dad.

  15. Did you ever think about the fact that you'll never know more than your dad (or parents) if you do this?  Really, you'll never get to learn anything more than they can teach you.  At least at school you have several teachers, different perspectives, and lots of opportunities to make friends.

  16. show him statistics of kids who were in the same circumstances but had done well with homeschooling

  17. I just started homeschooling and had to convince my mom to have me go. So what I did was search online schools on google and get a good homeschooling website and e-mail it to him and say look in to it and see what a better life I would have and it is free! and they send you all your supplies!

  18. You need to tell him what you've told us.  Either sit him down and talk to him, or write him a letter.  If you really want to be homeschooled, then you should be allowed to be.

  19. Someone would have to homeschool you, and it may be that your parents don't have time for that.  Also, I hate to say it, but lighting and going to the next class sound like some pretty lame reasons not to want to be in school.  If you spent all of the time at home that you now spend at school studying, rather than being with your horse, would that be okay with you?  If not, then you are just trying to get out of school in any form - you seem to think that home schooling would be easier, and it really shouldn't be.  Sorry, I would buy it if your dad was a better scientist than the teachers and you would rather learn from him, or if you were doing so well in school that waiting for the others to catch up was a waste of your time, but the way you have put it, no way would I think that you should be home-schooled.

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