
How can I convince my dad to get me a guinea pig?

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And i would also apprecate a little info on them. I Really want a Guniea pig and my dad said to make a deal with him but i cant tink of any! .... So Thank you for helping!! (:




  1. You should convince him to get you a same s*x pair actually. Guinea pigs are very social and should be kept together. I'd also recommend adopting since they are so overpopulated:

    I'd just do all the research you can on their care:

  2. i had the same thing happen to me and my mom let me get a hamster. to convince him maybe show him that your responsible enough. maybe promise him to do some cleaning everyday and maybe pay for some of it with your own money. i got my hamster yester day and all together it was $50.00.Thats including the cedar the cage the hamster a weel a nest like thing and a water bottel. The guinnea pig may cost quite a bit more but at tops for all the stuff you need it will probally be less then $100.00. I have never had a guinnea pig so i have no info on them but there like big hamsters.

  3. Tell your dad about the benefits of owning a pet:

    -learning about nurturing (to love, to care and to take care of

    a life, not just a pet!)

    -it's a biology lesson (the growing process of a guinea

    pig)--its physiological, biological, behaviour progress

    -sharpening your observational skills and understanding

    about a life

    Tell your dad that you will prove to him that you are a responsible and caring person.

    By the way, you will find many cute guinea pigs in animal shelters (eg. Humane Society). That way you don't even have to pay for getting one AND you are SAVING A LIFE! :))  

    Good luck!

  4. Well for starters, how about trying the following:

    #1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.

    #2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.

    #3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.

    #4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.

    #5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.

    #6 Eat what you are given and don't whine or make "yuck" faces when given it.

    #7 Don't talk rudly to adults

    #8 Always share with other kids.

    #9 Go to bed when you are told to.

    #10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.

    # 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don't beg and whine about it.

    If 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to your life and family. :)

  5. tell him they dont bite are friendly have almost no odor can eat most foods(look up foods that can be eaten b4 giving it to them cause some foods for ex. iceberg lettuce is poisinous to them) and look up a lot of other good info on them

  6. Tell him that you will take care of it, and that it is a caged animal that will stay in your room and if you decide not to clean your room will stink and you will have to suffer the consequence.  This will probably make him say it is ok.

    Good luck!

  7. haha.. its EASY all YOu have to do is be a DADDYS GIRL!! i remembered i wanted a guinea pig last year after i got a rabbit and a hamster.. And I got my mom syched to get the guinea pig and my lil bro too.. so its 3 to 1 i guess... but just say that they are SOO CUTE!! ANd im lonely i need a pet!! (and if you already have a lot, say you need more!) well yeah.. also be corny like if you love me.. then .. youll get me ONE!!

  8. Clean your room completely and then clean up random, hard to do things in your house, like those spaces between the cracks in tiles and dusting and stuff. Then what I told my dad was if he payed for all the starting costs of the guinea pig, like buying the cage supplies, I would buy the stuff from them on. I also talked about it soo much that it started driving everyone a little crazy 0:)

    Some stuff you need to know:

    Cage: They need a lot of space, not lik those ones they sell at petsmart. They should have about 7 1/2 square feet, which is pretty big. I would reccomend building a c&c cage, so go to

    Food: Give them unlimited timothy hay and unlimited amounts of a food pellet with no seeds and timothy hay as the 1st ingredient. also give them good veggies like parsley, romaine lettuce, and carrot tops.

    Homes: Have at least one hidey home for your guinea pig.

    Bedding: Some wood shavings are bad for guinea pigs, so make sure you get the right ones. Carefresh is really good to use, but a bit more expensive. What I do is I have towels (or puppy pads, the things for potty training puppies) with a layer of fleece on top. Then just vaccuum and wash to clean.

    Toys: They don't like real toys. Just hidey huts, cardboard boxes, paper bags, empty paper towel rolls, and some hanging toys with bells on them and other stuff like that

    Care: You need to clip their nails about once a month and give them about 2 baths a year. You should brush their hair about once a week, more if their hair is longer. And make sure they get plenty of time in a big, open, safe area to run around and get plenty of attention from you. They like people and need attention. I hope this helps!

  9. another good way to tip the debate into your favour is that guinea pigs can eat most of the vegetable and food scraps, so your not wasting your money or your food and they are providing a basic household service.

    you can also use scrap newspapers as bedding, you can also shred up your junk mail and use that for them to hide in. thats recycling your rubbish as well.

    you could just point out that they're small cute furry compost bins, becuase the pigs eat a lot of vegetable and fuit matter i would assume the plants would like they're p**p as well.

    they dont cost much to maintain, they teach responsibility, and you can play with the piggeh instead of nagging your father for something. so in all in all its a gain on both sides.

  10. I think its a good idea for you to work for the money its going to cost to buy the guinea pig and all its supplies.... that will help show your dad that you're willing to go all the way with this...

    arrange to do some yard work, or chores around the house, for extra cash, and save that up for buying all the things you'll need...

  11. Well, you need to show your parents that you can be very responsible. Like, do your daily chores without being reminded. Help around the house. And then if you get one, show him how good you can take care of it.

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