
How can I convince my dad to move?

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Not very far just a different house in our town. Any suggestions. I know I sound like an ungrateful kid, but it is very hard because we don't need all the space. Also, my dad does not do any of the cleaning. If it ere up to him he could live in a messy house. I mean I am not OCD, but it is very embarrassing to invite people over to his house because of the mess. So I think that if we move it could be a smaller place where stuff won't get thrown anywhere and it would be easier to clean.




  1. Perhaps moving isn't the solution to your problem.  A smaller house might make the situation worse because the clutter would be much closer together...does that make sense?

    Maybe you should talk to your dad.  Get your thoughts and feelings together, write them down even and sit down for a chat.  Be sure you have some solutions ready so he can see you aren't just pointing the finger of blame.  

    Maybe the house needs to be better organized where everything has its own place?  Maybe you and your dad need to come up with a schedule of who is to do which household chore on which day?  That way, neither one of you is doing all the housework.  

    You two could sit down and come up with a list of rules that you will BOTH follow.  For example, when finished with dinner, you will scrap your plates and put all your dishes and utensils in the dishwasher.  When BOTH of you have finished and put your dishes in the dishwasher, you will BOTH clean up the kitchen before moving on to something else.  On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you can take charge of running and unloading the dishwasher and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, your dad can do it.

    I hope this helps.

  2. I'm not familiar with the details of your situation, but I know if it were me, I would be moving (out) as most kids are prone to do when they reach a certain age and don't want to deal with parents (metaphorical and physical) clutter any more.

  3. Moving to a smaller house will not change your Dad's sloppy habits.

    It will just be the same, but more crowded.

    The only way is to talk with him about how you feel and ask him to

    help pick up stuff and clean the house.

    It's hard to answer your question without more information.

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