
How can I convince my friend that horse riding is not animal cruelty?

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She goes on about how it's cruel to ride a horse and saying stuff like, 'how would u like it if u had to run around all day with a person on your back who whips you, etc'




  1. Take it like a debate. What points does she have? Contradict each one with an answer, not saying "That's not true!". Also, what does she expect? The horses that people spend, literally, millions a year on, to sit around and not earn their keep? Also, pick apart what she says: Generally, the horses don't "run" very often. They do walk, trot, canter and we are very careful to give our horses breaks in between. How often do you ride a horse "all day?" Maybe a trail every once and a while goes all day or multiple days, but not usually. Last, we do not just "whip them" for the fun of it. Me and my friends put this together for people who go "OMG! You whip horsies!?!": A whip is a training aid that is used only to reinforce a riders signals. Just go through like I did and prove every statement she says wrong. Also, make sure she knows how bored and unhappy unridden horses are. Most love their work and are are very happy to do something interesting that challenges their mind. Just be aware that she is going to be stubbern and you will probably never "win." Hope I helped!

  2. my horse is worked for one hour everyday, no whip, no spurs....

    its like u goin to the gym for an hour.. how is it cruel

  3. This subject has been debated for centuries. You cant convience her, so I suggest you stop being her friend. End it with her now and never speak to her again. Please, this type person is distructive to both you and your peers.

  4. Its their job. We have to work. Wouldn't it be nice if we only had to work for an hr or two every other day or so... I would say they aren't abused, Im very cautious to not injure or make them sore, they only get tapped with the whip for direction and used as a prop if they aren't listening and/or can become potentially dangerous... Same thing with spurs for those who use them only use them if they need.

  5.   I agree with the first answer. You don't need to convince your friend of anything. Even if you put the best argument forward you'll never convince her anyway.

      Now in reality, it is to a degree cruel to ride a horse. I've been riding a long time and wouldn't change.

      If the horse could decide, and it can't, it would rather be free and wild if it knew what it was. A person on the back of a horse is not natural for the horse and no matter what saddle you use or how accomodating you are to your horse the horse is always more comfortable without you on him.

      The reality of life is that humans found that the horse when taught to be submissive was a great form of transportation for people and packing. Civilizations have been founded and wars won on the back of a horse. We ride today merely as entertainment and sport. It is not necessary.

      Now knowing that does not change my mind in the least. I am fine with overcoming a horse's natural instincts and riding one. If you ride anf think for one second your horse loves it you're fooling yourself. I've heard people say that "My horse loves to go hacking in the countryside or he get's all excited when we compete!" Sure he does compared to living in a field or a stall. Give him the opportunity to be free in the wild for a few eeks and see how eager he would be to do those things.

      So I believe to some extent your friend is correct but I would still rather ride a horse. Sometimes you just have to say that you know the horse would rather be free but that just isn't practical anymore and I'm okay with it.  

  6. say to her, horses need exercise to stay healthy, especially in the environments we keep them in.

    we all need exercise

    and the people that use the extra riding aids such as spurs, whips, martingales, side reins  know how to use them so that they don't harm the horse. its the ignorant people that make it cruel.

    and we don't ride them all day.

    3 hours tops for a trail ride, which the horses love because they are going somewhere new , like when you take your canine for a walk. horses are just as interested but they don't bark and jump up and down.

    And also the horses that are ridden for shows, jumping and dressage are worked so that they don't end up getting bitter and sour for the work they do.

    as horses get used to things like jumping or gaming, some horses get into it so much that they get excited when they know their job!


    tell your friend that if she is going to make comments about something that she should voice her opinion once she has ALL the facts. not just from watching tv or racing...

    hope i helped

  7. There comes a point in life when you have to realize some people are happy being silly, ignorant, mean, etc.

    Your friend is probably one of them.

    If you are at the maturity level where you can agree to disagree and she's otherwise a nice friend, leave it there.

    The pointless arguments are a waste of time and oxygen.

  8. Before horses were used for riding and working the fields, they were slaughtered and eaten like other livestock. Putting horses to work has spared them from becoming food.  If she thinks they would all prefer being eaten, which is what would happen to them if we quit riding them, then she gets her point.  If she doesn't think so, then you win the point.  This is reality....there is no place for millions of wild horses to just run wild and free with no useful's the food chain or work.  I'd rather work than be eaten, myself......

  9. She is jealous - as this is probably the excuse her folks gave her for not letting her ride.

    You weigh 100 pounds? The horse weighs 1000lbs.

    Give her a 5 lb bag of potatoes (or her school back pack) and ask her if the weight is killing her.

    If she says yes tell her she needs some excersise...

    If she says no tell her you proved your point as you are not asking the horse to carry another horse.

  10. Don't even try - people who get stuck on that idea never seem to want to hear anyone else's side anyway so all that would happen is you'd get frustrated and angry and you might have a row with her.

    Better just to say something I'm sorry that you feel that way. I don't happen to agree and leave it at that.

  11. Tell her to get off her peta high horse.

  12. just tell we do there looking after like give them hay and feed groom them everyday shovel up there p**p and we have our own jobs so we can PAY for them and all they do is ride around for about an hour and we don't always whip them its just when they don't do what there told and they know that and they cant feel the weight on his or her back there built in a  way to be able to endure tones of waight

  13. Why do you need to convince her?  Just go riding without her.  She's allowed her own point of view you know.  It's 2008

  14. Say that they get fed everyday and the whips dont hurt as much as she would think it does. Personally i dont find it very cruel at all considering in what those horses live in compared to others.

  15. who cares what other people think

    riding is not cruel.

    horses dont mind us riding them and alot of people link racing with riding.

    we dont whip our horses hard and only use it to encourage a lazy horse.

    if horses didnt like jumping y do they do it in there paddocks,

    we try to help as much as we can to ensure they are having a good time to,

    some horses even hate not being ridden

  16. Tell her that horses need to be trained and the rider has to be safe. Tell her that they only whips them when they are bad. And i do agree that spurs are really mean!!!!! that is why i am english and DONT use them. But it is not cruel. I know MANY animal lovers who think horses are great and fun to ride

  17. I bet she would change her mind on that if she actually rode a horse and realised how much fun it is.

    Her opinion is likely based on watching horse racing.

  18. why bother with the hassle of having to listen to someone who is so ignorant about things like that.  

  19. she's probably just being stubborn - i would just forget about it

  20. LOL your friend needs a way more extensive education than you probably have the patience to give her!  Just the fact that she thinks riders who use whips actually whip their horses show that she is quite ignorant about riding.  I'd hate to hear what she'd come up with if she got started on the topic of spurs!

  21. you can't.

    all along i've had people say stuff like that to me, but I know its fine, I know theres nothing wrong with it, and that's all that matters..

    And honestly, the people who say stuff like that generally don't stay my friends for long.  Horses are my passion, and i don't really care what anyone else has to say about it.

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