
How can I convince my friends mum to let her walk around by herself at night at the Royal Adelaide Show?

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well me and my friend are going to the Royal Adelaide Show this year! WOOO! I asked my mum if I can walk around at night, she said I could, but my friends mum said that she wasn't aloud too. I asked my friend why and she said her mum thinks there are alot of creeps around at night. I personally think there are creeps everywhere u go, and the show is safe because there are police people everywhere! And its packed so its unlikely u will be draged away screaming without somebody noticing. How can I convince her mum to let her go around? Thanks so much,





  1. You didn't say how old you and your friend are, but I'm a mom and if I had a young daughter, I wouldn't allow her to be wandering around a place like that at night either.  Yes, events like that do have police on the premises but they can't be everywhere at once.  Chances are slim that anything would happen, but would you want to risk it if it was your young daughter?  You'd feel pretty bad if anything happened to her and it can happen very very quickly.  

    People who grab young girls have well thought out plans.  When it's crowded it would be very easy to walk by and shoot a syringe full of something to knock them out so there probably wouldn't be any dragging or screaming involved.

    Why not plan a family night and see if her family would go and then you could hang out with them.

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