
How can I convince my friends to (seriously) not make me go on a roller coaster?

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Tomorrow is six flags day for a school field trip! I'm in 8th grade, and it's kind of tradition to do this sort of thing. I've been on a roller coaster before and I seriously passed out. I'm afraid of heigts and get motion sicknesss really easily, and just thinking about it makes me sick. My friends are seriously going to force me to go on it, and they are not joking! I asked my mom if she would talk to my friends and she said no, and I sitll ahve to go because my mom paid for the trip already.

Like seriously, I am nauseous right now just thinking about it, roller coasters are supposed to be fun but they aren't!




  1. well ur mom doesn't sound very nice...she wouldn't talk to them?

    But yea you should def talk to them...tell them they need to leave you had a bad experience, and you get motion sickness so you don't want to go on...its your choice and them pushing you is not making you feel any better nor is it making you want to go with them if they're not gonna respect your decision.

  2. Well, i never like roller coasters. The first time i did it i said i would never do it again, but i thought well if i do it again i already know what to expect! So i went again and I liked it! and i even went on one with a loopdiloop LOL. But i think you should do it once, just to get them to shut up! Settle for a weaker roller coaster without going upside down, and then IF you do puke puke on them and say i told you so! LOL ORRRR you could just tell them you'll hold their stuff when they go on!

  3. imo rollercoasters are fun, but not for everyone, if you really don't want to go on it just tell your friends you hate the feeling you get when your on a roller coaster and that you would puke going on it, but maybe you could start off small, with maybe a  coaster thats not so scary

  4. bring a little kid who is afraid of roller coasters and say  i need to wach him or her while you guys go on. and yes they are fun

  5. Pretend your busy going on

    a different ride, and maybe they

    will go with out you

  6. Some "friends" you have. I LOVE roller coasters, but I only invite people along to amusement parks who like coasters and thrill rides. I would not disrespect my friends by forcing them to do something they absolutely do not want to do. I would rather share the experience with someone who enjoys it as much as I do.

    Stand your ground and explain to them that you get sick and are afraid of heights. If you have to, yell at them and walk away. Being nice doesn't always do the trick. If they still insist, talk to the field trip chaperone or teacher about their behavior. They obviously do not care about you, therefore they are not truly your friends, so if they get in trouble, so be it.

    Who knows, maybe someone else in the class shares your feelings and you can ride some of the tamer rides with them.

  7. All I can tell you is RELAX. Roller coasters are fun and not scary. Maybe you just had a bad experience once before and it probably won't happen again. Don't be nervous. Just go along with it. Being nervous just makes riding a roller coaster worse. Hope this helps.


  8. maybe you can split up a group and maybe go with an adult to another ride while people go on the rolle coaster. but I seriously think you should try it. My friends mom gets motion sickness very easily and all the time and Space Mountain in disneyworld is her favorite ride.

  9. Ok, its a matter of opinion on weather roller coasters are fun. just wanted to get that straight. And tell your friends that you will wait in line with them and hang out with them the whole time just not go on the roller coasters. Tell them they can still go on you will just wait at the end. That way they get to ride and you still get to hang out with them.

  10. Well for a last resort go on a smaller ride first pretend like your gonna puke and try to throw up on them and then they wont bother you again, promise.

  11. Just tell them flat out you won't go on it. I'm sure you have an adult going with you so tell them what the problem is. It is their responsibility to make sure you kids are safe. No one should be forced to do something they don't want to do.

  12. they are fun you are just syniampatetaphobic yuo acctually are feeling fun but your nerves get comfused because of what you want to think.

    repeat this out loud and it will calm you fear just lay down and say....

      ... an egg an egg an egg an egg an egg an egg  an egg an egg an egg an egg an egg an egg

    an egg an egg an egg an egg an egg an egg

    ...  an egg an egg an egg an egg an egg an egg

  13. just close your eyes on the roller coastr.

    Unless it doesnt hav any loops.

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