
How can I convince my grandmother that my sister is a drug head and stop giving her money!?

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My sister is the total black sheep of the family. She is a bad drug head, won't work, just down right nasty. Our mother pasted aways several years ago when she was 14 and so now we just have our grandmother. My sister is 19 and she is always steeling money from my grandmother and begging her for money. She has in the past become verbally and physically aggressive towards her and I have called the cops and the adult protective services on her and nothing has happened. My grandma keeps giving her money and then worries about her being on the street doing drugs. My sister is on 10 years probation for a felony theft but she continues to do this to my grandmother and she is always calling my grandma and upsetting her telling her all kind of lies that are just crazy. I do believe that my sister has more that just the issue of drugs. I think she is bi-polar or schizophrenic but I need to figure out a way to help my grandma believe that just because she may have a problem that does not mean that she does not have to have limits and boundaries. Any suggestion?




  1. hmmm...

    Situation is so Critical.

    Do friendship with some of ur sister's friends.

    Bring them to home and ask them to tell everything about your sis.

    u too try to make her understand that what will happen if she going on giving money..

    Explain her how dangerous the situation is.. and show her some examples in the society.

    But i dont think your sister will be calm.

    She can get money, drugs from her friends or she will do anything for them.

    U have to think about talking to your sister. u might talked with her 100times..

    But try to convince her with love. give her a secured feeling, that you are there for her.

    God Bless U.

    Tell her that this is high time to do anything.

  2. Boy, you could sure use some prayer! It might help if you got some other person to explain to your grandmother, like a cop or a doctor, who's further removed from the situation and can be objective about it.

    God bless.

  3. Your grandmother is enabling an addict.  That is not a good situation.  She's not listening to you, so maybe she will listen to the professionals and those who have been in your family's shoes.  See links below for information you can print out for your grandmother.  I will also include a link to Nar Anon, a free and anonymous support group network for family's affected by someone else's drug use.

    No you can't force her to get help, but if she becomes a danger to herself or others, you can petition for an involuntary commitment (temporary, not a fix).  That might get her initiated into the treatment process.  If those voices are telling her to hurt herself or someone else, that may qualify to at least get her evaluated.  If her behaviors indicate a severe lack of judgment and are dangerous, it may qualify also.  

  4. You can contact:   1-800-677-1116 or

    They can help you to find an Elder Abuse Prevention Program. It is a Home and Community Based Services.

    In other words, a program(s) located close to where your grandmother lives. Your grandmother is being abused. It has to stop.

    Additional Details: I suggest you take care of your grandmother's needs first. The social worker will know how to handle your sister's problem also. They do a lot of networking. But, your grandmother is in dire need of assistance.

  5. Okay maybe your grandmother realizes it and just hopes by giving her money she can help her and maybe she will straighten up.   You know how grandmas are, always giving never expecting anything in return

  6. You and your grandmother should give her "tough love". Don't give her any money, and if she refuses to get a job, you guys need to kick her out. She needs to realize that she needs to grow up.

    If you suspect her of having mental health problems, have her see a doctor and get some medication.

    Also because she has drug problems, she needs an intervention, like that show on TV.

    I'm sorry if my answer is unhelpful, and I wish the best for you!

  7. Why dont you try showing her some proof of what your sisters doing

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