I'm 13 and I have really, really long hair that reaches past my butt and its very flat. At school, lots of girls are sporting the "side swept bang" style, and I think it looks great on almost anyone. I love the style, and sometimes I get pretty jealous when my friends are in the bathroom, fixing their perfect, not-flat, shiny hair, don't judge me, I love my friends. My hair is so dry and flat and dull, the complete opposite of theirs.
Anyway, I have two problems : convincing my mom to bring me to the salon and let me have a haircut and doing something about my miserable hair. All I ask is a little trim and the bangs. My hair is getting so long that the little kids hide behind their moms, probably because I look like a white lady, if you don't know it, look it up, with my hair. And it's beginning to have a bad effect on my ice skating. It's so hard to spin because my hair gets in the way and when I jump, my hair flies all across my face, leaving blinded in the landing, or sometimes it sorta likes snags my arms and I can't stretch them out. It's worse when I braid it because my hair suddenly has more force and strength then me, and makes it kinda dangerous to spin, because I might hit somebody or it just has so much weight that it throws me off. No use putting it in a bun, the pins just get off and fly away. It takes too much time to fix my hair like in competitions, with hundreds of pins and tons of gel and hairspray. Ok, getting out of the topic.
Anyway, I need help in convincing my mom to let me have a little trim and the bangs. I tried to tell her two summers ago, but she just said sure, sure, honey, we will, next week. Gee, did she mean next week in the next century?? Don't say she forgot, I constantly pestered her about it. Even last summer, I did. But nothing ever happened. I want something to happen this year, but I need your help, people, on what to say. To really convince her, to make her do something. Please, please, please answer with sense and don't give me any crappy answers like "tell ur m0m bout iT duDe" Please, I really need your help.