
How can I convince my mom to keep our pets?

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It has recently come to my mom's attention that my sister is allergic to cats and dogs but we have two cats and a dog. Now my mom wants to get rid of them but everyone in my family is attached to these pets. May I add that my sister is allergic to EVERYTHING (tape, band aids, nerosporan, make up etc). And, my dog is a chow and I don't know if she'll be able to adjust to a new home. : ( Somebody told me that chow's don't get adopted if they've already had a steady home so they just get put down. Is that true?




  1. My sister gets the shots! She just calls them allergy shots.  ask her doctor about them, she'll know what you mean.  Maye I add though that these shots dont work over night.  It takes a long time and the allergies dont go away, she will just be more tolerant to them.

  2. there are rescues for just chows and chow mixes where they would more likely get adopted. but they make shots for pet allergies....

  3. Make her get shots. You already put up with a lot for her, you and your family should have these pets. Talk to a doctor about the shots...

  4. There are vaccinations your sister can get for pet allergies. Chows are known to be aggresive, so she may be put down if she goes to a new home. I suggest that your research your sister's allergies and show your mom these other options. good luck!

  5. Do some research on allergy medicines and show your mom what you've found.  If she's informed about a solution like this, she should be willing to look into it.

  6. cry and complain

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