
How can I convince my mom to let me cut my hair?

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MY hair is really really really really REALLY really really LONG and i'm so sick of it, I told my mom that I wanted to cut it and she said "no, i'm not letting you cut it, it looks pretty.. you'll look like a guy if you cut it" and she DOESN'T KNOW that the haircut i wanna get is this:

i'm afraid to tell her cuz i think she'll yell at me and she'll say "NO it looks retarded and g*y!"...

...What should I say to her?

and How should I start talking about it??




  1. ok wow yeah you dont want to do that

    i did worst mistake

    but just start doing nice stuff or just do it with out her knowing

    is better to sorry than to fight over over again for the same thing.


  2. show her the picture  an tell her that its not guy looking

  3. dont do it

  4. say that you want to express myself and she is not letting you do so.

  5. Just tell her it's getting to long for you to take care of.  Plus, it's just not in style anymore & you want to have your hair look more stylish & in layers.  Show her that picture, show her the shape of the cut, & that you could even get it cut a little longer than the picture, but it just wouldn't have all the weight long hair has.  I'm a beautician, so I'm familiar w/what you're talking about.  You just have too much weight w/it all being the same length & it takes forever to dry.  Tell her you want a hair style that's more in fashion so you'll look more like the other girls & not outdated w/your looooooooooonnnnnggggg hair hanging down your back.  You could even tell her you'd love to be able to donate it to "locks of love" which the long cut hair goes for kids who loose their hair to chemotherapy & have cancer.  Which is exactly what you COULD do, & it would be so welcomed by a child who has no hair at all...That would be a GREAT idea for you to give another child.  Best to you, honey...:)

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