
How can I convince my mom to let me get a hamster?

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I've wanted a hamster for a while but every time ask my mother she gets mad. Everytime I ask why she won't let me have one she says cause they're nasty and dirty. I try to tell her they're not but she won't listen. And to prove that I really want one I've been looking for a job something that will pay me a good amount of money so I can pay for it myself even though I'm underage and have never had a job in my life. I had read somewhere that I could write a letter about how great hamsters are and that they are really not that expensive to take care of, I wrote it and left it for her but she read it and threw it away! We have two dogs outside and I really love them but she dosen't want dogs inside the house so I'm kinda lonely cause I'm home-schooled and by myself all day. I can think of ony two resons why she won't let me get a hamster, #1)- My neghbors daughter had a hamster but didn't clean the cage much so it smelled alot. #2)- My mom hates rodents(we once had rats in our house)!




  1. You have to show your mom that you can be resposible. But i do not think its fair that you cant get a hamster

  2. buy the hamster then when she finds out tell her that he was going to die if you hadn't saved him

  3. tell her dam your house it too preppy i meen no dogs aloud in the house, home school, hamster are to stinky, i meen i have hamsters i barely clean there cage aever and they just smell like my room, tell her its a good life experience because you need to learn how to take care of things like a hamster if you ever want to have kids they require alot more care and whats there to prepare you for that

  4. Your mom sounds very anti-animal...not good. She makes your dogs stay outside all the time, day and night??? In some states that is considered animal neglect or abuse. Anyway, here are some Hammie facts...

    #1) Hammies spend most of their day grooming. Like all rodents, they are very clean.

    #2)Hamsters are considered the standard "my first furry friend" because they are so low maintenance.

    #3) They're cute as all h**l.

    As for them being "low maintenance" that is just the standard term when describing hamster care. Hamsters do require care and attention just like we do!  My advice is to check out the ASPCA's hamster care page, and if you do end up winning over your mother please consider adopting a hamster rather then buying one from a pet store or breeder.

    ASPCA's link:

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