
How can I convince my mom to let me get contacts?

by  |  earlier

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I asked her once before and she said they were expensive and that she wasn't sure how I would clean them.

I think I am responsible enough... and I am not sure if this is true but I read somewhere that you can get a years supply of contacts for about $120.

I am 13, turning 14 in 2 weeks, and I have had glasses for about 6 or 7 years. =/





  1. hey, i convinced my parents when i was 13. i also had glasses for a while but i never liked wearing them in public. i only need them to see far away. what you should do is tell your parents that you will be responsible with them. when you go to the store to get your contacts, after they find the right size for you someone shows you how to clean them and put them on and off. its actually really easy i got by the first day! all you have to do is remember to put new solution in everyday. it takes about 2 min and it will show that your responsible! hope your parents will understand. :)  

  2. its true that contacts are more expensive, but they are relatively easy to keep clean as long as you use contact solution every night (but this costs money too)

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