
How can I convince my mom to let me go to a Summer Camp?

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Ok so umm..I live in Latin America..and since I mostly speak american english and am so, I want to go to a summer camp..but in the U.S.A.

I was thinking of looks fun and all.

But how do I convince my parents its an only girls camp and that they could stay in the same state as the camp is taking place in..but in a hotel..just in case..


Also, my parents are over-protective and in this camp you are not allowed to bring cellphones..which would be a NO for me going to the how could I explain to them that they could call the office and then they could speak to through the camp office phone?





  1. my sister is actually at rim rock right now lol.

    show your parents the website and they can call the office and talk to the people who run the camp so they can sort out their concerns.

    i wouldn't even suggest them staying in a hotel, thats a lot of extra money and there's no rim rock is a really great camp and its very safe. if you get sick there is a special medical cabin where you are very well taken care of.

    im sure if your parents talk to the directors at the camp they can find out just how safe you will be (which is very safe) and hopefully they will let you go! :] good luck!

  2. Just tell them why you want to go to the camp.

    Say they could call the office, stay in a hotel in the state the camp is in, and tell them its an all girls camp.

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