
How can I convince my mom to let me invite one of my guy friends (who she hates) to my birthday?

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This guy , I'll call him Bob and I have an very complicated past and well, our relationship has been a little weird for a long time, but finally, it became more stable, and we're good friends, in fact I consider him one of my best friends. My mom, on the other hand, hates him. She hates him because one time when I was over at his house watching a movie, he tried to kiss me. Which may seem sweet, and you might be thinking what's wrong with that, but I had a boyfriend at the time, who was one of his good friends. And so, basically, what happened was, I forgave him, since well, when I told him not to kiss me and stuff, he listened and he apologized and well, everything between us went back to normal. My mom, who has like some weird distrust of all males (long story) thinks he's like a s*x offender and c**p just because he kissed me, and so she keeps saying if she ever sees him, she'll kick his ***. I know she won't do anything besides like yell at him and stuff, but still. So she hates him, but he's one of my closest friends and I just want him to be at my birthday party. How can I convince her to let me invite him?

(She basically gets the final say in who can come and stuff because she's paying for it all and most of it is at my house...)




  1. Maybe give him a disguise. Maybe if normally dresses like a prep have him wear some DC clothes and give him a pair of sunglasses. It might work.

    Edit: Will you please answer my question, it's below yours.

  2. Just tell her what you told us.

  3. Good luck.

    Sounds like she's pretty unreasonable and stubborn.

    Just explain to her what you explained here.

  4. She's trying to protect youu

    I've found that parents are typically right about people their children hang out with, amazingly enough. (I'll be 17 in 2 weeks)

    Explain to her that not letting him come to your party wont hurt your relationship with him, only with your mother.  Remind her that she'll be there to keep an eye on everything, and she doesn't have to talk to him.

    Good luck!

    But if a guy did that...he obviously doesn't have much self control or fidelity to even his friends....If he could do something like that to his guy friend, what will keep him from doing something equally hurtful to you?

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