
How can I convince my mom to let me switch rooms?

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i have a very small room, and i need to convince my mom to let me switch to the bonus room. What should I say to soften her up? I have sister who is older, but I am a dancer so I think I need the room more than her. Me and my friends dance around on my floor, and make alot of noise too, and the room is farther from her room, and over the garge instead of the family room. So besides that, is there anything else I should say?




  1. Say mom, I really need too switch rooms mine is to small. And then offer to do extra chores around the house, or bake your mom something.  

  2. Has she said 'no' ?   If not,  I would just state my case exactly like you have here.  I think your reasoning (you're a dancer,  there would be less noise, etc.) makes very good sense,  so write down your points on paper,  call a family meeting  (including your sister) and make your case.

    Now - here's the rest of my answer.  I raised two children who often fought over things like who got the bigger room.  If your mom says "no" then that's that.  It's her house and her decision - you are the 'low man on the totem pole' which means you have to live with whatever her decision is and not whine about it.    Your sister's feelings also have to be considered.  It could also be that your mom needs the bonus room for company or has other plans for it that your old bedroom would not work for.  If  that is the case, you just have to accept it and again, do not whine.  Whining about things like this only makes it hard on your mom, and she has enough to deal with trying to raise you and your sister.

    But if you put your case together, and if there are no other plans for the bonus room,  then  I bet you have a pretty good shot at it.   Good luck.  (PS - be sure to present your case at a family meeting.  It will be hard, but that's how you show that you are serious.)

  3. Convincing her will be hard - warming up to her will be easy - make a plan - something fun - like on powerpoint - show her how much easier and happy your life would be if you had more room - include her in painting/decorating it - commit to her that you will keep it clean also...good luck!

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