
How can I convince my mom to travel to Amsterdam by myself.?

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I am 19 and I am old enough to make my own decisions I think. I haven't asked her yet but if she says that's not good for you right now. How can I convince my mom to let me go on my own.

Or should I just leave and phone her from Amsterdam.

Thank you.




  1. Well ironically I'm 19 and I live in Amsterdam and it's a fairly safe place as long as you don't wander the alleys late at night. Weed and stuff is legal but don't do it.Assuming you live in the U.S. if you get caught your screwed. Alot of people speak english to so you should be fine.

  2. You've had some good advice and I'm not really going to go against the grain on this one

    Yes you are 19 and you are very right in that you are old enough to make your own decisions (I went on holiday abroad with a friend at 16 and had a "discussion" with my parents about this at the time)

    However your mum is just wary and looking out for you.  Please don't just go there and call from Amsterdam.  She will be worried, and you still have to go home at the end of it!

    So just sit with her calmly and explain why you want to go, give her good reasons about needing to grow up and make decisions and gain independence, but also show respect and tell her that you don't want to upset her

    Make a plan of how you are going to get there, where you are staying, the kind of things you are going to see & do when you are here (so she can share in advance, and also learn as well).  Unfortunately Amsterdam has a bad reputation (drugs & prostitution being the only factors) in some countries, and if this is the only thing she knows about the city/country, then it is probably why she is so resistent.   Show her you have done your homework and research, and what you are going to see her

    ... just stay calm, keep consistent and I am sure you two will be able to reach a truce!

    Best of luck

  3. In addition to positive`s answer -

    you might want to consider NOT going alone.

    Go with a friend, or some friends.

    General travel tips :

    Don`t take large amounts of cash with you, and leave valuables you don`t actually need at home.

    Make sure that you have copies of your ID with you, a set in the hotelroom/bags, and a set somewhere with you. (just in case)

    Use credit card or atm-card for your cash needs - in most cities you`ll find plenty of ATM`s.

    If you happen to need certain medication, put a copy of the prescription with your copies of ID. Should you loose the medicine, you can use the copy to obtain new ones where you are. (and should clear you if customs is being annoying).

    And - regardless of what people say - no drugs are legal.

    Weed etc. is 'tolerated' , but if you cause trouble, you could still get arrested for having it.

    Smoking is banned since july 1st this year, in all public places, so if you do smoke, be careful to take note of where you do it.

    Other than that, Amsterdam is not worse than any other city, and considerably safer than large cities in south and central america.

    If you do come - have fun, and don`t forget to bring a camera.

    (If you want a guide - contact me through my profile)

  4. Well, I dont know. have u ever travelled anywhere else on ur own?

    If yes, u can remind her of how good uve been (or she thinks uve been), etc... and i dont know

    Anyways, the important thing is that she needs to be 100% sure that u wont be doing drugs or prostitution, etc..

    Anywyas, Ive been to Amsterdam by myself before (without them knowing..) (I live in Belgium, and I told my parents I was going to Brussels for the day, while I actually went to Amsterdam) and when I came back, I got caught with weed in my bag, so u need to be careful when u come back and not do stupid stuff like me.

  5. Your mom's concerns should be respected. You may be big and mature enough to travel by yourself and nothing will happen to you but....if you end up in a bad part of town especially in the evening or later... it is not very safe. Anything can happen to you. There are always "weird" people on the look-out for trouble or for young flesh if I may express myself that way.

    Do your homework, check out the best places to visit and to stay in, post questions to people who live in those neighbourhoods to get real & updated info and make a "trip plan".

    When all set,  you can show your travel itenary to your mom, check it out with her and if, once in Amsterdam, you decide on the last minute to change it, please send her an e-mail or text/phone her to advise her of your real whereabouts. Do not do drugs...these are easily available so...don't get tricked into using them or tempted.

    Always have your mobile phone with you...charged so that your mom can contact you whenever she feels doing it.

    All these may put her mind at rest. Maybe, if she sees you planning your trip seriously, being always reachable she'll see this trip in a better light.

    If your mom knows exactly where you are and something befalls you (cross our fingers here) she'll know where to start looking for you.

    Hope you get your wish.

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