
How can I convince my mother into letting me go back to Jersey with my cousins???

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Okay well last weekend we went to New Jersey and we brought back my cousins. well I want to go back with them just for like a week not to long or go back with my moms sister. Either one is fine I just cannot stay in Pennsylvania anymore. I really really want to go back with them. My mother is a really stubborn person, but on rare occasions she can be really nice. So what do you think I should do to convince my mother into letting me stay in Jersey for a while.. And summer is almost over and I want to do at least something, my school starts so d**n early..

So please tell me what I should do. and i cleaned that bathrooms in my house to make her happy cause it somewhat does, do you think that helps???




  1. your mother has her reasons for not letting you go to Jersey.  you have to make new friends in the area you live.  Ask you mom why she won't let you go to visit.  talk to her she may have  a good reason that you will agree with.  go to interesting places with your mom she may need your company for the time being.  listen to your mother.  good luck

  2. What you do or say to convince her depends on WHY she won't let you go. So I can't help you.

    Sounds like you're on the right path, cleaning and everything. Don't whine and fight with her about it, that'll just make it harder for you to convince her.

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