
How can I convince my mother to give me a $1o.oo allowance?

by Guest56293  |  earlier

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how can i also convince her that I'm old enough to shave me legs ( i'm 14)!!




  1. Why do you need to be paid to live under the roof your parents provide for you?

  2. shave them secretly i did but dont cut urself it hurts like crazy and some times u bleed to death

  3. Responsibility is key for getting an allowance...and shaving secretly is not a prime example of being responsible. Make good grades, keep your room clean, help out around the house, don't talk back...respect and responsibility is what it takes...oh! and talk...don't whine to your mother about it! My mother was weird about me shaving my legs too...I was probably 14 when she finally let me shave. Stick with it and please be will all work out!

  4. you convince her by doing work to earn the money. Don't be asking for weekly handouts just for breathing and eating her food.

  5. Why would you need a  10.00 allowance? and I shaved my legs at like 12 or 13.

  6. If you want the 10.00 tell your mom that you are willing to do extra chores around the house. Sometimes in life we have to work for what we want.

  7. why dont you do something to earn the 10 bux...and also,whenever all the other kids are shaving(jr high gym class)then it's probably time.that would be embarassing for a girl

  8. As far as shaving goes:  Just pick up the tools and go for it.  My mother didn't shave, so I had to figure it out on my own and with help from my friends.  I asked for shaving supplies, never got them, and eventually just spent my own money so that I could do it.  Notably, now I wish I'd listened to my mother and never shaved--we both (genetically) have very fine, very blond hair that is invisible on our very pale skin, and if I had never shaved, I wouldn't even need to shave now.  I always used to shave my lower legs, and now the hair is thicker and darker in that region, but my upper legs are invisible and thin.

    As far as money goes:  Parents respond to how you behave.  Follow the rules, do your homework, get good grades.  Show that you're responsible.  That's what helps them believe that you're ready for a larger allowance.   Keep in mind that your parents may not be rich, so it's possible that $10/week is simply too much for them to afford.  You could also consider pushing for a higher allowance, but then taking on all of the responsibility of paying for your own cloths, or your beauty supplies, or things like that.

  9. if your immature enough to ask for 10.00 allowance in these hard times you are not mature enough to shave.  i agree with your parents.

  10. at 14 u should be getting a bigger allowance than 10 dollars if ur doing ur chores and that is a old enough age to start shaving ur legs its not like u asked can u get a tattoo

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