
How can I convince my mother to spay and neuter?

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Okay we have three dogs. 2 females and one male. my mom wants them to have puppies. One of the females is in heat but way to young to have puppies and the male is crying and driving us all insane! My mom is considering spaying but how can I convince her to go all the way?




  1. Hmm.  Tell her the females have 95% chance of getting cancer, and same with the males.

    I have a female yorkie, who we never spayed.. She got many tumors, and brain damage.. All results from not being spayed.  She was put to sleep.

  2. -There are many puppies in pounds and shelters because of the amount of females that don't get spayed.

    - Lots of the dogs in the shelters get put down because no one wants them, or can afford them.

    I can't think of any more points that you could bring up.. I'm rather tired.

  3. I would tell her about the health issues that comes from unfixed animals, for example, uterine and breast cancer, ovarian cancer.  Dogs that are too young to breed will often times have sick puppies, not take care of them, or is not grown enough to have puppies, so they get stuck coming out.  

    Also, if you can bring her to a humane society, and show her all the dogs that are available for adoption, she might change her mind, or better yet, take her to your local animal control, and have her look at all the animals that will be killed once there time is up.  

    Ask your mom what she is going to do with the puppies if she can't find homes for them.  Also ask her if she can deal with 5 little puppies pooping and peeing everywhere, and chewing on everything.  

    If all else fails, see if you local humane society has a low cost spay and neuter that you qualify for (sometimes its income based).  Paying less for a spay and neuter might be an incentive.  

    Good Luck, and convince your mom to do the right thing!

  4. - Take her to a pound and show her all the dogs needing homes and how she will contribute to this if she lets them have puppys.

    -Tell her their are lots of complications that can happen during the pregnancy and when the puppy's arrive that will cost money.

    - Say the dogs will live healthier lives

    - The male will stop crying and the females wont mess the house during heat.

  5. Have her read the attached article.  If she really doesn't want to deal with the nightmare of breeding and adding to the overpopulation then tell her to get them fixed and enjoy your pets.

    Take her to the local humane society and ask her if this is where she wants the pups to end up if they don't work out with owners.  What if you can get no one to buy them or adopt them when they find out that she didn't have genetic testing done on the dogs before breeding.  What will you do with the pups?  What if the female has a litter of 10 puppies and no one takes them?  Now you'll have 13 dogs in your house and the neighbors calling complaining about the noise and barking.

    This article will definitely discourage anyone from breeding their dogs.

  6. tell her she will lose money...

  7. You've probably already done this, but talk to her about the ability to care for a large litter of puppies.  The costs incurred (shots alone) and what would she do if one or both of the females had life-threatening complications owing to pregnancy.  What if the entire litter had medical problems, would she be prepared to do and pay for all their medical needs.  Also, where would these puppies go once they finished weaning and started to grow to the same size as the older dogs?  Do you have enough room to house more than 3 dogs?

    In the end, if she really wants puppies, there are plenty of unwanted puppies sitting in shelters just waiting for a loving home and family.  Many of them because their owners didn't spay or neuter their pets and couldn't afford to take care of them.

    There are plenty of good resources on the Humane Society website.  Good luck!

  8. point out the younger the dog the more likely your mother will have to shell out thousands of dollars for a c-section

    - the fact that many young first time mother b*****s accidentally or intentionally kill some or all of thier pups from stress, not knowing what to do etc.

    -that when you are in school you mother will be pretty much solely responsible for not only the two older dogs but the pups a well

    - one or more of the pups could die in the womb causing the need for an emergency spay - much more expensive than a normal spay

  9. Remind her she will have this inconvenience every 6 months for the rest of the dog's life...the male going insane, the female bleeding everywhere...but at the end of the day, it's up to her.  

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