
How can I convince my parents not to cut my hair?

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My parents want me to cut my hair,(I'm a guy) before school starts, how can I convince them that i shouldn't get it cut. its like shoulder length if it was crazy straight but my hairs wavy so it goes down to an inch and a half above my shoulder.

this is pretty much the same hair i have, except mines a little wavier and just a tad longer




  1. tell them that you'd really appreciate them letting decide on this one. Bargain with them. If they let you keep your hair as you please you will keep your GPA at a certain stature. If you fall below they have full authority over what hair cute you are to get.  

  2. how old are you? it seems like you are at least in your teenage years. tell them that you like your hair the way it is and that you think that you are at an age where you should be able to decide how you want your hair. maybe compromise, and say how about i get a trim? or ask to wait for a few more months, than trim off an inch.

  3. This is a tough one.

    If your parents are like my parents. They will go for one of 2 things:

    1. Tell them it's fashion and beg them not to do it.

    2. Keep on telling them that you'll get it next weekend and keep disapearing to friends houses.

  4. get ur hair cut like the guy in that pic cuz its hot lol

    but if u still dont want to tell them its UR HAIR!! and they just have to deal

  5. Tell them that you were born into the wrong body and that they are impinging upon your civil liberties as a transgendered American.

  6. well negotiate with them! u say this way they say that, well u can fix it! come to an agreement on cutting off a certain amount that will keep all of u happy! ask them how short u want them to cut it and tell them how short u will go! honey, u cant not cut it! its not healthy at all for ur hair! and it will grow out faster if u trim a little, just like the bad ends! i have to cut off 3 inches of my hair every summer because the summer heat and swimming damages it! u need to cut it or it will be a huge mess!

    hope i helped!

    good luck on negotiating!!!!!!


    please answer mine!!!!;...

  7. wow thats a s**y hairstyle tell your parents that it your own body and that they shoukd back off and use one of their moments when they can force u to do something another time when it might actually b important u no like seriously is hair important at all when it comes to raising kids and by letting u keep it the way u want iit instills in u individuality and confidence in yourself and your decisions

  8. Tell them that if you cut your hair, you'll lose all your strength.

  9. Just refuse!

    They're not going to pin you down and take scizors to your head (hopefully).

    Tell them it's in style to have long hair and promise to get it cut for christmas or something. Or say you'll do something extra around the house as a favor.

  10. Tell them it's your hair and you will do what you like with it. Just say "No" to them, but not in a rude way. They can't strap you to the car seat, haul your butt to the hair salon and cut it off for you. Make a compromise, like agree to cut off one inch every once in awhile to keep you looking like a hippy.

  11. Tell them that you know that they don't understand but, it's important to you. Then if they make you cut it, pout until it grows back.

  12. Ok. So let them know that first of all...long hair is so in right now, especially if you straighten. HOT STUFF RIGHT THERE!

    Tell them its your body and you should be able to do with it as you please.

    Tell them that there is no reason for this type of nonsense ITS JUST HAIR! LOL

    if worst comes to worst. get like 1 to 2 inch cut off and then you can say.. hey..i got it cut ;)

    hope this helps

  13. Be truthful and grow your hair long so that later you can donate it for cancer patients.  They make wigs from human hair.  This way everyone comes out a winner!

  14. the length in the pic looks good, explain to them that longer hair is in style now.  people need to get over this hair thing,  it is socially acceptable, its been around for so long now and it is what you want.  not everyone looks right with short hair and end up getting picked they want this?  prove to them that it won't hurt anything by studying hard and getting good grades.  

  15. Remind them what it's like to be young...

    They sound like they have forgotten...

    Tell them to look back to when they were your age...remember what they thought was cool at the time, and thier parents thought as narrow mindedly as they are thinking now..

    Say to them,, "You may not agree,, but let me enjoy this foolishness"...

    Tell your dad, chics dig it....He'll soon come around...

    Good luck

  16. Tell them you'll need a shrink afterwards, cuz by then - they will have destroyed you and you'll have 'issues'.

    Though I do think my brother really needs to have his hair cut!

  17. Just tell them, tell them you have your own style. Tell them you want it to be like that, and it's 'what's in' parents never tell me how to style myself, because it reflects my individuality. I'm sure if you tell them, then they might understand..

    That's a nice hair style for men!

  18. Make the point of: "hey it's my hair, not yours!"

    Explain to them that you like your hair and that as it is on your head, not theirs, it should not be a problem for anyone other than you.

    They may say it looks "trashy" or something (that's the argument a lot of people seem to make about guys with long hair..) but my ex boyfriend is a psychologist and has hair that went below his shoulders and it still looked nice and professional. make the argument that you'll take care of your hair and make sure that it looks nice...

    Or, maybe just get a trim. A trim is always nice. Get rid of split ends, keeps your hair looking better.

  19. You could ask them to compromise with you.

    Tell them that you will get it cut into another style and show them some pictures. Pick out some styles you like, or get a trim.

    Sounds fair doesn't it ?

    Tell them not to sweat the petty stuff. At least your not on drugs etc.

  20. tell them its yooooour hair. tell your mom if she makes you cut your hair shell have to get the same hair cut as you. thatll get her scared lol

  21. Tell them old enough to make  your own decision and you know you're s**y with long hair  

  22. Um... tell them that is what you like, it is your hair, and that people like that kind of hair now I guess. Either that or exaggerate how you feel, or tell them you want something completely out of question then when they say no, say can I at least keep my hairstyle the same then? Something like a piercing or tatoo or something. Good luck! (i'm a girl and I'm cutting my hair shorter than that, but I think hair looks fine short and long on bother genders)

  23. You could. My mother used to make me cut my hair, but I could not convince her to let me keep it long.

  24. just get a trim.

    or get a cut that's long, but a little sorter than yours.

  25. well you can tell them that it is your hair and it is your choice on whether you think you should cut it or not.  if you don't want to have it cut then just tell them.  i mean that is what i would do.

  26. in order to convince anyone of anything, you have to know exactly what points they are making for their argument, and go one by one countering each and every point.

    why not try compromising instead? that might work a lot better than trying to convince them.

  27. Tell them you'd get tan lines from where your hair was.

  28. Well if you like your hair the way it is, it is your hair. But I'm a girl and can tell you that long hair isn't cute. Neither is a buzz cut, but in the middle their. Yours doesn't sound to bad, so show them this post. Or compromise on a length.

    I helped you, now help me...plz:

  29. hey by the way it's  mine not mines ok.and you can just tell your parents that you like your hair a little long because it probably would have memories and times when you just wanted to use a jacket and you don't have one because you probably left it at home so you can just use your hair as a little cover.

  30. Sorry, but I'm with your parents on this one. There's nothing that looks worse than high school boys with long hair. I had to date them, so I know. My boyfriend had long hair when I first met him and he looked awful with it. Now that it's short he's really cute but long hair was a bad look on him. Many boys in middle school and high school think they are being original and 70s and rock and roll with shoulder length hair. But you just look bad....  

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