
How can I convince my parents that I'm both mature and responsible?

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I'm a month short of sixteen, and in my sophomore year of high school. I've been "talking" to a guy from a neighboring school ditrict since february, "Rob", that I meant through a double date with my best friend. (Her date from that night is now her boyfriend, and really good friends with "Rob". So we all get together every two weeks or so and hang out. I have such a great time with Rob, and if weren't for seeing each other so little, I'm sure we'd be dating. I've met his family, and they were really friendly, which made me like him even more. (: And this is where is problem is; He has asked me out on dates numerous times, but my parents don't seem to trust me. I've never done anything to lose that trust, and feel that they should know that I'm both mature and responsible enough to date. He's really a great guy, polite, hard-working, overall amazing, and he wants to meet my parents, but I'm not sure how helpful that would be. I'm in a rut here, because he told me he can just wait for me to get my license, so we can see each other more in a month, but summer is ending and we were all four trying to plan a trip to cedar point (amusement park) to end the summer on the perfect note. he's a good driver : no wrecks, tickets or anything, and i know it would be so much fun! (: all three of my friends are allowed, it's just up to me now, any advice on how to convince my parents to let down their guard just a little bit, and trust me to ride with him?




  1. um yeah def let them meet him

    they will want to know he is a responsible driver and all, many young boys are reckless, when i become a mom i wouldnt let my daugther or son for that mather get into the car with someone strange i didnt know and trust to drive responsible.

  2. Since I can't state this any better than you did, if I were you I'd just print this out and show it to them!  I think you made your case well.

    If that won't work, however, then I'd suggest talking to your parents and offering whatever compromises might be helpful to ease their minds (they're not wrong to be worried - it's what good parents do - but I think you've already figured that out!).  

    For example, would they want you to call every few hours?  Would it help if you left very early in the day and had a fairly early curfew?  Would it help if he came over to meet them and talk to them?  

    If you offer enough options, it's going to be kind of hard to say no.  I'm assuming they know and like your best friend - if they don't, then that def could be a problem!

  3. How about asking your parents if he can come to dinner at your house? Responsible parents want to meet the kids that will be driving their own around on dates and such so meeting him would be an important step in getting them to agree to let you do more.  

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