
How can I convince my parents to get a new computer?

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  1. tell them its needed or required for school. or make a deal that if you get all a's that they will get it for you....beleive me my parents are wrapped around my fingers when i do the a's thing lol

  2. have someone steal it.

  3. Show them ROI or Return On Investment.

    In other words - show them that their investment in a new computer for you will result in something positive for them.

    For example; You will have the ability to complete homework much faster and with better quality resulting in better grades.

    Of course - if you don't deliver on your return to them, they won't trust you if you want something again in the future. So make sure to deliver on your promises.

    Hope this helps!

    Good Luck!

  4. Well there would need to be a good explanation for them to buy a computer, so tell them why you want them to get one. If they aren't buying one, they probably just can't afford it. I'm sure if you earned the money yourself they'd let you have one.  

  5. break the on you are on.or save up and buy your own.

  6. ovz if the money is tight your gna have a hard job but if not try the i want to study more and think of things tha i can do with my life and i need a computer with a full acess internet to do that so can you support me if not then just begg alot they may give in lol x

  7. tell them it educational it help u get smarter and that it will help u in school if u go to school

  8. By them thinking they can afford it some how, if you really need a new computer, and they aren't buying one, its because they can't afford it.

  9. When did you purchase your latest computer?

    What version software is it?

    Tell you parents you need a new computer because the one you have is old. If the one you use now is perfectly fine but you just want a new computer, save up your own money and buy it yourself.

  10. tell them you need it for school or something...

    and yours is too slow.

  11. Get a job and have them get it for you while you make payments to them.  

  12. I want to too!

    Trust me its not worth it. it gets you nowhere.

    i wanted to get my own ibook, because my parents share one so all me and my brothers get is an old PC. And of coures thats what im using now.

  13. Get a part time job and you pay for it.  

  14. show them the faster comuters and there plans and how much better they are then the one you got right now talk to them and work somthing out


    Do that to it.

  16. break the one u have


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