
How can I convince my parents to let me get a Rabbit?

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I've asked my mom once before and she said no because we already have a dog and she's afraid that he will eat the rabbit! How do I convince them?!!!?




  1. Tell they that your responsible and you will take care of it. (amusing that you are) Bribe them with some choirs around the house and do what they say the first time. If they still say know try researching about your animal and tell your parents what you learned.  Know if they still say no scale down your animal like to a small hamster or mouse. Hope I help!

  2. You can train them to use the litter box, so they can run around the house with the dogs. And if you get it young enogh, it will think its a dog!

    You can esily train your dogs to not attck your rabbit. Just let them be curious. Let them smell. Just tell them 'no' when they get too rough.

    I have 5 dogs. 3 pits, a plott, and a FAT golden retiver. And they all get along perfectly with my rabbits!

    They are pretty cheap to care for. Hay is cheep. Bedding is a lottle over priced, but if you shop anround you can get good deals, they eat fruits and veggies, so whatever your family is not going to eat, insted of tossing it, give it to the bunny(that would save money), and having a rabbit is a pricless experience! =)

  3. I wanted a cat. They hate cats. So I went to the libraries and did research on cats, what it would cost, what they need to live and not only be healthy but happy. I made a list, and saved my money. When I could afford the vet costs, food for a couple months and toys and such, I went out and got the freaking cutest kitten I could find. I brought it home late, had it in a crate which I placed outside my room's window. I went in like normal, said hi, went into my room, opened the window and lifted the cat in and the supplies. I got everything set up while letting the kitten get used to its new surroundings (of course it ran straight under the bed and hid).

    Finally when my mother came in without knocking (eh it happens) she saw the little collar and food dish on the ground and asked me why I had it. She remarked that those were way too small for our big dog. So I said, "Well mom.... you know what a ferret is right?" She freaked out and all you could see under the bed were two glowing eyes. So I reached in and pulled the kitten out and she was so overwhelmed with relief, then couldn't stop cooing at how pretty it was. It was one of those, high pitched, baby talk conversations, "Awwwww, ywour a wittle baby - your father is gwoing to kwill you when he sees this, yes he is, yes he is. Booga booga booga *smooch smooch*"

  4. Gotta love moms xD I have the same problem but i'll get her to crack down. Moms are moms and if they say no it means no :/ Unless you have to bribe them with good-behavior but in your case that wouldnt work?

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