
How can I convince my parents to let me get a chihuahua?

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What should I do/say to convince my parents that I'm ready for the responsibility of a dog?

Which, by the way, I am! ;)

Specific sentences to say would be helpful!




  1. - Read and study up like crazy on the breed here's a good site-

    see if a chi is right for you, there are lots to know about those little rascles.

    - tell your parents all the good things about chis, how it would benefit your family

    - PROVE you're responsible, foster a dog, take care of a neighbor's, voulenteer at a shelter

    or just wait till you move out

  2. Try doing some research.

    You can tell them about all the research on chihuahuas that you have looked up!

    Saving about 1000 dollars up (I know, but puppy price, kennel, food, first shots, leash, collar, license) you have to keep saving though because your dog will need future shots, spaying (so the dog cannot have puppies), and more food.

    Getting good grades.

    Cleaning your room and other places that you mess up.

    I know because I had to work really hard to get my parents to let me get a chihuahua, but now she's over a year old and adorable.

    Good Luck!!!  

  3. Just buy the dog and bring it home. Try to hide it for a few days. When they find out just remind them that you paid a thousand bucks for the dog and he/she is nonreturnable.  

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