The agricultural high school in my county is very well known, and well regarded by many, and most of the people who attend the school go to successful colleges. I've explored the web site, talked to people who attend the school, and found out when the open house is. I want to peruse a career within the curriculum that this school teaches. My parents don't comprehend that I could attend an agricultural high school, and still have a wide variety of career options, such as a landscaper, veterinarian, or business owner. Please bare in mind, this is an extremely good school. Admission is free to all residents of my county, and what they teach is something I want to pursue, and I also am very successful academically when learning by their methods. How do I convince my parents to let me go there? I've already written them countless letters on how this would be a wonderful opportunity for me, and I've printed out an application, filled it out, and shown them the website. This would be for not the upcoming school year, but the following.