
How can I convince my parents to let me have a ferret?

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I'm 17 and I've wanted a ferret for a couple of years now.

I've done days of research now, ferret-proofed my room, have the money needed for everything, I even have two names picked out. One for a sable, and one for an albino.

My parents are divorced, and at my mom's house I have a [very friendly] dog and a turtle. I spend 90% of my time at my father's, where I don't have any pets.

I've mentioned it a couple of times to both parents how badly I want a ferret, and how I am more than ready to take on the responsibility.

My mom doesn't trust me because I got a guinea pig in the 4th grade, and it was one of those "lost interest quickly and made mom take care of it" pets. But as I grew older, I cleaned her cage and fed her. [she died last year of old age. :[ ]

I even went to look at some today and had to be [literally] dragged away by my boyfriend.

So please help me. How do I convince my parents to let me have a ferret?




  1. try a different approach.    instead of getting a ferret, volunteer at a local ferret shelter.    hopefully there is one in your area.  i live in a small town and have one close.    find ferret chat rooms, there are plenty!!   ask questions, lots of them.    call local vets offices and ask to volunteer.   try working with animals before having one of your own.   shelters always need help and the experience will go beyond the need to just have a critter.    you can list volunteer work on college applications and resumes.

    first try to work at a ferret shelter,  you will be around them and will be giving back to the ferret community.    "days" of research is really not enough to learn about them.   i've had ferrets for YEARS and am still learning.    

    good luck no matter what happens.

  2. i totally understand!!!!!! ive always wanted a dog or a cat, and guess wat mom and dad's answer was.....,no and no. But mabey if you start doing better in school  they will see you as more responsible.  i have a guinea pig named fluffy and the reason i got him was because i got better grades. :-)               love allycat

  3. guilt... guilt them. its harsh but it usally works. don't over do it tho!

    "i never ask for anything"

    "dont you trust me?"

    maybe mention the fact that your family isnt "together"

  4. show them that your caringful and take care of everything and clean for them and wash dishes and laundry

  5. well they kinda stink........ like really.  they smell bad

  6. I would sit down with your parents and tell them you want a direct answer on why they don't want you to have a ferret you can't defend yourself if you don't know their reasons for saying no. Once you have their reasons you can try to prove that you are responsible enough and ready to take care of a pet completely on your own. They could be worried that you will be ready to move out in a few years and will leave the ferret behind for them to take care of.

  7. like some said say you'll pay for it and take care of it

    but it also helps if you ask for something more dramatic

    then ask for that because compared to the dramatic question it won't seem as big of a question or as big of a deal

  8. Just tell them you'll pay for it and take care of it.

  9. Well, first consider this: are you going off to college soon?

    Would you have enough time for a ferret?

    Well, if you can, great! But if you can't, maybe wait until you get out of college.

    I put together a huge presentation about ferrets and mentioned it to them occasionally. I raised all of the money, too. I think you are on the right track.

    Good luck with the convincing!

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