
How can I convince my parents to let me have a guinea pig?

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My parents wont let me have one because 1.responsibility

2.When we go to vacation, we have nobody to take care of it.


i really want this guinea pig :]




  1. If your parents say no, you should probably listen. Guinea pigs ARE TONS of responsibility. They do NOT make a good starters pet. Go here and research about guinea pigs there. There are tons of people who can give advice that have years of experience. PLEASE go there, they could probably help you out better than anyone here anyways. Just make sure you LEARN about guinea pigs as much as you can before you actually get one.

  2. hello beautiful.

    do any of your friends have guinea pigs? if so ask them if they will lend you it for a few days and make sure your parents know, then clean it out and look after it. and also make sure you rreally do want one. hope this helps.

    good luck babe./x

  3. It is a lot of responsibility having a pet.  I think every child should get to experience a pet growing up. My parents allowed me to have so many.  I was very lucky in that.  Most of the time parents are afraid that they will become responsible for it because you may fail to take care of it, and they don't have time in their busy schedule to do it themselves..  Assure them that you will take full responsibility for it and if you let them down, you will give it up without a fight.  I wish you the best of luck. A g-pig is so cool..  smelly if you don't keep their cage clean, but cool!  Take care!

  4. You could do some serious research. Write down everything you need to buy for the Guinea pig and how much it will cost. See how much you can chip in to help pay for everything. Also make a list of all the responsibilities that come with a Guinea pig, like feeding, cleaning cage, etc. Write out a schedule of when you will do everything. That might show them how responsible you are and might help you figure out if you're really ready for the responsibility.

    Ask friends if they'll be willing to take your Guinea pig while you're away. If you can't find anyone, then your parents may be right. Someone needs to feed and maybe clean the cage while you're gone. If you can't find someone your Guinea pig will die. If you can, let your parents know.

    Good luck!

  5. I'll take care of it! Hehe, just kidding. (Ok, so I do have tips on vacationing with guinea pigs, so please read it all!)

    I have two guinea pigs and it took a little convincing at first, but here's what I did to make my parents say "Yes." I do not agree with the above answer, though guinea pigs are a LOT of work, they are wonderful pets, and with a little help with your parents, they make fantastic starter pets.


    There is so much to learn about guinea pigs, so go online or get a book and print out a little paper on guinea pigs that you typed this to your parents, how can they say no after you've worked so hard? This will also show them how much it means to you.


    When your mom or dad asks you to do something, avoid saying "Hang on" or "Ok, wait" because parents hate to wait! Lol. So when you are asked to do a chore, make sure you do it right away, that way your parents will know you have the responsibility.


    Ask your friends if someone can take in your guinea pig. Make sure they have a detailed list of everything they need to do, even if they already have a guinea pig. Bring the supplies they may need, to.

    Or you can see if Petsmart or Petco will take care of your guinea pigs, because they might.


    Please, buy a guinea pig from a rescue, because if you do, then when you go on vacation the rescue may take care of them for you. I got my piggies from rescues, so when we went on vacation, they took them in for very cheap!

    Go on:

    To find a rescue center near you!

    Some other tips:

    After you get your guinea pig, make sure you continue to follow the responsibility of owning and guinea pig, as well doing chores and such. If you have any problems with taking care of the guinea pig, don't make your pet suffer and be afraid, tell your parents!

    Good Luck!


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