
How can I convince my parents to let me switch schools?

by Guest34178  |  earlier

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I go to a public highschool in my district, and I want to switch to anothers districts highschool. All it would take is tuition since I talked to my aunt (who is a guidance counselor), and my parents even offered to switch me to a private school which costs tuition, but they are iffy with switching me to a public school where they have to pay for me. But I cannot take my school for another year (I am a sophomore in highschool). I go there with my two sisters, and being stuck in thier shadow, I have no friends of my own, and when you have no friends in school it can go to your head. I know that I am a good person, and the friends I have live hours away, but I want to leave so bad, and leave the horrible people that ruined my reputation with rumors. I know there will be mean kids too at my new school, but I want so badly to start over, it would mean so much. How do I let my parents and guidance counselor know this without breaking into a sob story?




  1. do better only THIS comin year, then convince them

  2. You could tell them what the other kids have said to you and you cannot go another day you have to switch and tell them you don't need help

  3. Ah, I know how you feel, but my mother never listened to me.

    What you do is spill your guts about all that has been happening and that you want to change schools ASAP.

    Most parents don't budge about this, they just say "Live it up" and such... annoys the living poo in me when this happens.

    Good luck

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