
How can I convince my parents to..

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Let me go to a concert?

My favorite band is playing, but they aren't playing in my state.

The thing is, my mom promised me to let me go to any show I wanted to if it wasn't too far. Because she made me miss them the last time they actually played in my state in May, and then she made me miss Bamboozle when they played, and then I had to miss Warped Tour to go to a wedding. My dad's side of the family all live somewhat close to where they are playing. If my mom drove me herself, it would be a two hour drive. Does anyone know how I can convince my mom to let me go?

It would mean a lot to me, thanks.




  1. Just pick the right time to ask her, don't ask her when she first gets home from work or when she's grumpy. Remind her in a nice way that you have been wanting to got to concert all summer and that now is a good time to go. Do some research into the area around the concert and tell your mom what the local attractions are, maybe she would be more likely to take you then. good luck..

  2. Do you need to convince your mum to let you go, or to drive you there? Why do you think it will be a problem?

  3. Pick a good time. If she's running out the door for work or your in the car to go to school, wouldn't be the best time to ask. When she's just relaxing or cooking dinner bring it up. Don't cry or beg simply say "When I had to miss_____'s concert you said I could go to another one because I missed it. Well, they will be playing near where (insert relatives names)lives. It's about two hours away but maybe before or after the concert we could visit them or even stay at their house over night."

    Then see what she says. Good luck!

  4. Wow that sucks. My mom let me geton a plan to fly all the way to see MCR (1 of my fav bands) cos she knew how much the concert meant to me. My moms fine with me going to concerts but it tends to help more if you get good grades, help clean the house more often, dont get into any trouble etc. that helps ALOT when it comes to parents, they know that they can truat you and are more likely to say yes. lol, its true.

  5. remind her of the two concerts you missed and that your othere part of the family live near and she could visit them as well.  Tell her this would be the greatest gift and you wil do extra chores around the house.  how her you mean it.    

  6. do a lot of nice things 4 her like hlp around the house and stuff and tell her ur old enough 2 take care of ur self and besides tell her ur family will take care of u 2

  7. Beg and cry. It's worked for girls for centuries

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