
How can I convince my parents to trust me?!?

by  |  earlier

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They are way too overprotective. Example: I went to the Much Music Video dance at our school last year, they demanded to know what time the dance was, where it was, who I was going with (my friends, duh) and they freaked out when I forgot to bring my cell phone (which I didn't even WANT, they gave it to me so they could call me at all times)

They seem to be scared that I'll end up like my 19 year old brother, when in reality, we couldn't be more different. He had to repeat 7th grade, and I was supposed to skip a grade (which I didn't, so, really, I should be going into 9th grade this year) He smokes weed all the time (his whole apartment smells like wacko tobacco) and I graduated D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) at the top of the class. His ex-best friend is in prison, and... well, my friends aren't.

And they're SO suspicious of me! When I go on the computer, a conversation like this usually follows:

Dad: What are you doing?

Me: I'm on the internet (because I am)

Dad: Where on the internet?

Me: I'm on Yahoo! Answers (that's usually where I am)

Dad: Doing what?

Me: Answering/asking questions

Dad: What questions?

Me: ... Um... a lot of different types of questions...

Dad: Oh

I'm only 13, but they treat me like I'm 3 or 4. How do I convince them that I'm mature enough for them to trust me?!




  1. I know your probaly going to hate what i have to say but its's only because they love you and they care so much! Your brother obviously ****** up big time and now their just being extra protective of you after seeing how easily it can happen. The only way they will ever trust you is if you keep listening to them eventually they will realise your not like your brother at all.

  2. I think they probably just don't want you to end up like your brother. I'm guessing that even though they are currently driving you mad at the moment, they have your best interests at heart.

    Sit them down and tell them how they are making you feel. Assure them that you are mature enough to be trusted and that you are different than your brother.

  3. write a letter to them and tell them ur feelings. it's better than confronting them and it won't be so nerve wracking. GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  4. talk to them abou it and tell them how you feel.

    solves most things w/ my parents.

    good luck♥

  5. It might be because your brother does everything that he does that your parents are so insistent about knowing where you are at all times. Trust is built upon history--if you keep acting the way that you're acting and continue to be accountable to them, stay away from drugs, do well in school, hang out with trustworthy people, and you always are where you say you're going to be, then they're going to trust you. It sounds like you're doing a great job--try to tolerate your parents asking about you; it doesn't mean they're suspicious of what you're doing, it just means that they care about what you're doing and where you are.

  6. they just love you and don't want you to end up like your brother.

    tell them, "mom/dad you don't have to be suspicious of me, i'm not going to do anything stupid, trust me".

  7. Accidents happen out of nowhere and bad people are occasionally out there looking for a vulnerable victim. If something happened to you and your parents didn't know when you were going to be home, they'd be up all night worrying. If they didn't know who to contact if you didn't come home, they'd also spend the whole night worrying. If they can't at least go to the place where you said you'd be, then they'd be in a panic. Meanwhile you're lying in a hospital bed somewhere because there was an accident of some sort. Or you could just be hanging out with your friends somewhere. Your parents don't know which. If you are responsible and prove to them that you intend on following the rules, they will probably trust you and let you have more freedoms as you get older.

  8. IDK maybe just tell them you need some space. And that you are mature enough and old enough to handle your self. But hey at least your parents aren't like my friend katie's mom, she knows her MySpace password her MySpace IM password and everything and goes threw all her messages and hates my friend Erin for being bi because she doesn't want katie to turn out like her! Oh sorry anyway just tell them they don't need to be worried about you you are clearly mature enough to handle your self.

  9. yupp,

    im 13 too


    && i was wondering the sameeee question

    i hate it,

    but i guess with all the news && s**+* thats going on in this world

    && with kids as young as 8 getting prego,

    i think they're just scared,

    for us

    but then again,,

    i got nooo cluee

    cause im young<3

  10. It is a good thing they are like this with you or else you might be like your brother or the foolish 15 yr old that has gotten herself pregnant.

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