
How can I convince my senior that boxing is a sport.?

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She said the purpose is not hurt people, its a violent game and should not be considered as a sport. How should I rebutt her arguement?




  1. Show her the statistics.  Boxing is actually one of the safer sports in terms of injuries and fatalities, when you compare the injuries to the number of participants.  Amateur boxing is especially safe.  You are on-line, so it shouldn't be hard to get the "injury rate" or "fatality rate" for various sports.

  2. have her see how boxers train. its not just about hurting the other person, its about who is the strongest both mentally and physically

  3. well boxers are in good shape and real tough, so a little pain doesnt bother them much. serious injuries arnt really common. and knockouts are rarer then wins by decision...

    it takes alot of practice/training to be good at it, and it requires strategy, technique, speed, streangth and many other things that most sports consider important elements.

    also just say that just because something looks shallow or stupid on the outside to someone doesnt mean it is. more often then not, there is alot more to things then people realize. lots of people are really passionate about boxing and

    and to them its not just violence...

  4. what do you mean by your senior? Boxing is a sport and it is a rough sport. The level of roughness does not define something as not being a sport. Boxing today has evolved a long ways and is the safest it can ever be without taking away from the sport. Not everyone enjoys boxing. for some people it is too rough and maybe table tennis or synchronized swimming is better for their stomach.

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