
How can I convince my sister to stop smoking around her kids??

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My sister is 21yrs old. She has a 3yr and a 1 1/2yr old baby. And she constantly smokes around her kids INSIDE! I spent the night at her house once when I was visting and I could hardly take the smoke smell and my throat was burning all the time.

I cant even imagine whats its like for my poor niece and nephew!! We have fought about it endlessly and nothing is working. Any ideas about how to get her to quit? Like any scare-her-to-quit websites anyone knows about???

Please! She is VERY stubborn and she hates being told what to do.. but I just feel so bad for her kids =(




  1. Provide her with some articles to read about second hand smoke & encourage her to quit for the sake of her children. Since she is stubborn she probably won't do anything someone tells her but you can keep planting seeds in her head & maybe she'll come around but think it was her idea instead of yours.

  2. I have niece's that smoke like freight trains around their kids, there is absolutely no consideration for their little lungs, and when they come over they always have runny noses and asthma shiners because of all the cigarette smoke.  Try saying why don't you just put a cigarette in their mouths and light it for them...The fact of the matter is she has a choice those kids do not.

  3. You've tried, and that's all you can do.  Everyone knows the effect's of smoking.  There is nothing that will  "scare-her-to-quit".  Many kid's have it A LOT worse (drugs,abuse, etc.).  Don't worry so much.

  4. Gasp! Oh no! She smokes around her kids and inside the house too, the horror!  Please get over it.  Your sister is doing nothing wrong.  She can smoke in her own home around her own kids if she wants to and it is none of your business.  I wish all smokers were like your sister.  

  5. tell her that  when she smokes sround her kids......

    - its affecting them   by...

      -letting them know when they get older they can smoke[kind of encoraging them to smoke]

      - she can have lung cancer and if she passes away thats gonna make ther life bad too

      - it can also give the  children and her dieases

    modivate her  and get her mind off of smoking

    i got my dad to when i was 7  i told him to chew gum =p

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