
How can I convince my sister to stop wasting paper?

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My sister keeps on wasting paper on the most ridiculous things

that she throws away after a few days. I need to make her stop doing that!!! I plant lots of trees by the way.




  1. I guess it depends on her age and such but maybe you could buy her recycled paper to begin with. Or maybe you can encourage her to do something else with you like watch a movie etc

  2. Your sister is this way because she is probably too young to understand that she shouldn't waste paper and trees. She thinks that wasting paper is fun while it shouldn't be. You should tell her to stop and explain to her that paper is made from trees. The more paper she wastes, the more trees will need to be cut down. If all the trees are cut down, there will be no more trees before she knows it.

    If she doesn't listen and if she is still a little kid, you should talk to your parents about it. Your parents will mostly tell her to stop and your sister will be more likely to listen to them than to you.

    Good Luck..

  3. give her a bucket for paper only and then recycle it

    that way it isn't wasted

  4. If your Sistr is a paper waster than tell her to give her waste to you to use as garden mulch when it's shredded of course...

  5. Make her pay for her own paper.

  6. Why?  It is bio-degradable, nature will gobble it back up.

  7. Get her a huge white board and some markers! Then hide the paper.

  8. Tell her it's bad for the environment.

  9. Let her plant one with you.

    Talk to her about how important the environment is and where all that paper goes (and comes from)

    maybe plan a trip to the dump (if thats allowed in your city)

    so she can see all the wasted paper

    get ideas:

    maybe you can find ways she can recycle them, make things with the old paper

    or to be mean:

    you can gather all the paper she tosses out, collect it and put it on her bed some day so she sees just how much she has wasted

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