
How can I cook a cake? Please tell me. I really want to know.?

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How can I cook a cake? Please tell me. I really want to know.?




  1. I'm guessing that you dont cook much so ur best bet would be to buy a packet cake and follow the directions on the box.

  2. go to there you can enter in how to make a cake in the search part. Know from there you can pick what kind of cake you want to make.

  3. Get a box one, that's the best way to start.  As you build up confidence as a cake maker you can try a recipe.

  4. Pick up a box mix at your local store. Follow the directions and enjoy. (One trick I like is substitute applesauce for oil the mix calls for. It adds a hint of apple flavor and saves a bunch of calories)

  5. Egg?

  6. You get a recipe, read it and usually, not always, it says everything you need to do it. Your question is not exact, there are a lot of kind of cakes.

  7. The easiest way to bake a cake is to get a cake mix from the store and follow the instructions.  A cake mix usually needs to have water, an egg (or two), and maybe some vegetable oil added.  The rest is simple:  Mix it up, spray your cake pan(s) with cooking spray, pour the cake mix in, and bake it according to the directions on the box -- the box will tell you exactly what temperature to use and how long to bake it for.

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